
Ep #60: (Part 1) Marketing that Signs Clients – 3 Thoughts that Sign Clients

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I’ve spent weeks thinking about why so many people are afraid to start their coaching business and what the solution to that fear might be. At the end of the day, without clients, you simply don’t have a business. So over the next couple of episodes, I’m breaking down everything you need to know about marketing that signs clients.

Marketing that Signs Clients is a workbook and workshop I’ve developed for everyone who joins Anything but Average in May. And on this episode of my two-part series all about it, I’m sharing the three thoughts that you have to believe if you want to start signing clients.

Building rock-solid belief in your ability to start helping your potential clients is not to be dismissed, and this week, I want to illustrate just how crucial it is to start this practice. I’m showing you the domino effect integrating these thoughts can have on your business, and on the flip side, the consequences of not prioritizing this work.

If you’ve been waiting to join Anything but Average, now is a perfect time! I’m giving everyone who joins in May access to my exclusive Marketing that Signs Clients workbook and workshop on top of lifetime access to the community and support from me, so what are you waiting for? Click here to enroll and I’ll see you on the inside!

What You'll Learn on this Episode

  • The number one reason people are afraid to start their coaching business.
  • 2 things you need to create marketing that signs clients.
  • Why examining your thinking is so important when it comes to signing clients.
  • 3 thoughts you have to believe in order to sign clients.
  • What happens when you don’t believe these three thoughts.

Featured on the Show

  • If you are ready to take this work deeper and make your dream coaching business a reality, join my Anything but Average program.
  • Join me on Instagram and tag me in all your Anything but Average aha! moments!

Click to Read Episode Transcript

Welcome to the Anything but Average Podcast where I will teach you how to create a coaching business one step at a time. I’m Lindsey Mango, a life coach passionate about helping you create the life of your wildest dreams by creating a coaching business. Let’s get started.

Hello and welcome back to another week and another episode of Anything but Average. Guys, I have something so juicy over the next two episodes to share with you guys.

But before we jump in, I want to share two things. The first is a testimonial from one of my students who joined Anything but Average I think a year and a half ago, and she’s actually now in the mastermind. But this is a testimonial of the results she created in Anything but Average.

Here’s what she had to say. “After three years of trying to get my coaching business off the ground and thinking about it, within six months of joining Anything but Average, I replaced my corporate income, left my job, started traveling around the country, and now I create $10,000 to $12,000 months. It took me three years to say yes to myself with Lindsey and this program and my results waited too. The minute I invested was the minute my life changed.”

Guys, so starting your coaching business is the first step. That’s what I teach you in Anything but Average and in the last module of the program I teach you how to sign clients. So she created $10,000 to $12,000 months in that program, and now her goal is to create even more in the mastermind. So good.

The second thing, I talked about this on the last episode, but I want to make sure you guys know what you are going to get when you enroll in Anything but Average this month. So on top of getting the step-by-step process that you get when you enroll in Anything but Average, that you get lifetime access to, walking you through how to develop your coaching skills, how to actually launch your business, how to start signing clients.

The community access where you get support from me and the other women who are also starting their coaching businesses and the weekly live coaching with me in the group, on top of that, when you enroll in May, you will get access to my Marketing that Signs Clients workbook.

This workbook breaks down everything you need to know, think, and do in order to produce marketing in your coaching business that signs clients over and over and over again. So if you’ve been waiting to join Anything but Average and start your coaching business, now is the time to join.

As soon as you enroll, you will get immediate access to this workbook via email. You’ll get a hardcopy delivered to your doorstep. You will get a spot in the exclusive three-hour workshop where I’m going to walk through the process and coach and teach you on everything you need to know to create marketing that signs clients.

And you will have the opportunity to ask me specific marketing questions during that workshop. When you finish the workbook and the workshop with me, you will also get access to the recording of the workshop. And when you finish, you will have 60 plus pieces of marketing and content that you can use in your business.

The last section of the workbook is 30 days of content ideas, breaking down exactly what you need to be talking about, writing about, how to make the offer effective, how to make your call to action effective, breaking it down for 30 straight days when you start your business.

So you will not only have 30 opportunities throughout the workbook. You will have an additional 30-day step-by-step process of creating marketing and creating content for the first 30 days of your business, or if you’ve already started, the next 30 days of your business.

Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/anythingbutaverage to join us and you will get immediate access to that. That actually perfectly leads me into what I’m going to be talking about over the next two weeks.

Welcome to the two-part series we will cover this week and next week called Marketing that Signs Clients. The reason why I wanted to talk about marketing and I want to teach marketing through this workbook and this workshop is because what I have found is the number one reason why people are afraid or worried to start their coaching business is they don’t believe they’re going to sign clients.

And at the end of the day, if you’re not signing clients, you do not have a coaching business. So over the next two weeks, I’m going to be breaking down two things. These are the only two things you need to create marketing that signs clients.

The first is the three beliefs or thoughts that you need to have in order to sign clients. That’s what we’re going to cover today. I’ve spent weeks thinking about this, narrowing it down, getting super clear so this is as simple and bitesize as possible so you know exactly what thinking you need to be focused on to sign clients.

Then we’re going to take that thinking, and this is also what we do in the workbook, we’re going to take that thinking and combine it with effective marketing, which is what I’m going to talk about in part two of this series.

There is a very specific marketing equation, there are three things you need and each piece of content and each piece of marketing, and if you have these thoughts plus that marketing, you will sign clients. It is that simple.

So part one, today, we’re going to talk about the three thoughts you need to have in order to sign clients. Next week is part two. We’re going to talk about the effective marketing equation that you need in order to create marketing that works.

Y’all ready? I’m excited. So there are only three thoughts you need to have in order to sign clients. We work on building these three thoughts over the course of the process in Anything but Average. But in the Marketing that Signs Clients workbook and workshop, we are going to go into detail on how to create these thoughts.

Here are the three thoughts. “People want and need this today,” “I can help them,” and, “This will change their life.” If you believe these three thoughts, you have the thinking you need in order to get out there and sign clients.

Now, for some of you guys who maybe are new to me or newer to this work, maybe for some of you guys who have been around a little bit, I want to give you a couple of examples to show you why your thinking is so important before we talk about these three thoughts.

The first example I’m going to use is actually – you guys know I love to use sports examples. The other day I was thinking about how when it comes to marketing, a lot of times people just like to check off boxes. They’re like, got to get it done, got to just show up and create content.

And I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. It’s a wonderful thing to get in the habit of putting your business out there, putting your coaching out there, and marketing your business. However, just checking a box isn’t enough. It’s the difference of two basketball players showing up at practice and one saying, well, I show up at practice every day, and the other one being Michael Jordan who shows up at practice with the thought, “I’m the best basketball player to ever live.” Or “I will become the best basketball player to ever live.”

I want you guys to imagine the difference between someone’s basketball practice, if they had that thought and how they would show up throughout the entire practice, versus the person who shows up and is just like, yeah, I just have to check the box, all I have to do is show up at practice. Guess what’s going to happen. One is going to become Michael Jordan, the other one is going to be an average player if that.

The other example I want to offer is if you had your car with the parking brake up and you’re sitting in your driveway and you’re like, punching the gas and you’re pressing it as hard as you can and you’re doing all the things and you’re taking the action of pushing down the gas, you’re still not going to go anywhere, right?

Your tires are probably going to be smoking, you’re going to stop pushing it down and all of a sudden, you’re going to realize you’re literally sitting in the exact same spot in your driveway, you haven’t gone anywhere. That is what it looks like when you’re marketing without having these three thoughts.

You’re basically taking all this action, exerting all this energy, but you’re not producing any outcome. That’s because the parking brake’s up. That’s because you don’t have these thoughts.

Now, what’s so beautiful is when you have these three thoughts, it’s like releasing the parking brake and all you have to do is tap the gas, not even as hard as you were trying before, and you’re going to be propelled forward. That is why this isn’t just about marketing. That is why this workbook and this two-part series is about two things.

The thoughts that sign clients and then how to translate that into effective marketing. When you have those two things, you will easily sign clients, you will just put your foot on the gas, you will be propelled forward without having to work and grind so hard, trying to push the gas down with the parking brake up.

That’s why these three thoughts are so important. So let’s talk about why. The first thought is, “People want and need this today.” The reason why believing and thinking that people want and need this, as in your coaching, today, is because if you do not have that belief, you will spend all of your time and all of your marketing trying to prove that people want and need it, trying to prove to other people because you don’t personally believe that people actually want and need it.

Really think about that for a second. If you don’t believe that people want and need coaching, then you’re not only trying to prove to yourself, you’re also trying to prove it to them. And when you are trying to prove it, you are not compelling them into action. You are not attracting people who want and need coaching. You are attracting people who need to be proven to.

And that is going to keep your marketing from being effective. If you don’t believe people want and need coaching, then why are you offering it? So that’s the first part of that thought. People want and need this.

The reason why believing that they need it today is important is because if you don’t believe them making the decision to hire you as a coach today is the most important decision they will make today, guess when they will buy? Later.

This is such a subtle internal shift, but if you don’t have that, you will be believing that they could buy it tomorrow, they could buy it in a week, and in turn, the result you will produce is that they will buy it tomorrow or they will buy it in a week, or they will keep waiting because you believe that it’s not important that they buy today.

Now, when you’re in Anything but Average and you focus on module one and getting started in your business, changing your own life, as you develop and create results and see the importance of this work in your own mindset and your own life, that’s also going to help you translate that into why other people want and need this.

So this is partially already built into the structure of the program. But in the workshop and in the workbook, I break down exactly how to build the belief that people want and need this today.

We break it down, I show you exactly what thinking you have to bridge the gap on, and how to believe that because then when you believe that and you take that into the marketing that I’m going to talk about next week, you will attract people who want and need coaching today. And guess what happens when people want and need coaching today. They buy today.

Alright, the second thought that you need in order to create marketing that signs clients is, “I can help them.” Really think about that for a second. If you don’t believe as a coach that you can help your future potential clients, or the potential clients that are right in front of you that want and need what you have to offer today, then why would they buy?

The reality is the number one reasons why people don’t invest in themselves and take that step is because they don’t believe in themselves. They are afraid that they won’t get the result. They think this time will be like last time, I get really excited and then I can’t hold myself accountable. They think like, who am I? I’m not special.

They already have these thoughts. These are all the thoughts that have to change in order for them to get a different outcome and why they need to hire you as a coach. But if you don’t believe you can help them, then you’re taking their doubt combined with your own doubt, and you’re double-downing on the lack of belief that they already have in themselves.

I want to illustrate the difference between when you have the thought I can help them, versus I don’t know if I can help them. I want you to imagine that you’re having a conversation with someone at Starbucks and they’re talking about how they keep getting stuck in the same spot and they want to create a different reality, but no matter how hard they try, they just literally keep getting stuck in the same circumstances, producing the same results.

I want you to imagine if you really wholeheartedly believe you can help them. You’re going to tell them, you’re going to say, “I can help you with this.” And when you say that, with that 100% belief that you can help them, you’re going to help them in that moment bridge the gap even when they don’t believe that you can actually help them.

Now, on the flip side, if you have the thought, “I don’t know, what if they don’t get results, I don’t know if I can help them,” you’re not going to say that. You’re going to be like, “Man, yeah, that is really tough. I might be able to help you.”

I want you guys to imagine that for a second. For you, if I was like, “I might be able to help you start a coaching business,” how you would feel. You already have doubt. So part of your job as a coach is to get into a place of belief that you can help your clients with 100% certainty.

Again, this is something we work on creating through the process of Anything but Average. This rock solid belief. By changing your own life, by getting out there and starting to help clients. However, in the marketing workshop and workbook, you’ll get access to both.

But in the workshop and workbook, I’m going to break down exactly how to build the belief that you can help them, so you can show up with the certainty that they don’t have. And whether you’re having a conversation at Starbucks or whether you are marketing through social media, on stories, however you choose to market, that certainty is going to come through.

Forget the quote, I’m going to butcher it, but it’s something like the person with the most certainty in the room is going to attract the most people. Your certainty is going to come from the belief that you can help them. We are going to break down exactly how to build that thinking so you can show up confidently and make offers from a confident place that you can actually help them and make an impact on their life.

This leads me to the third thought, “This will change their life,” or if you want to think of it in a different way, “They will get the outcome.” I want you to think about this. If you don’t believe that your potential and future clients won’t get the outcome they want, it would be like selling someone a dinner that you’re never going to bring out.

It would be like someone going to a restaurant, paying money, and then never getting the dinner. There’s no value in that. The only reason why people buy things is because they see value in it. If they don’t get the result that they want, or the growth, or the transformation that they want, and you don’t believe they’re going to get it, then you’re basically selling something you don’t believe in.

And you will feel icky and weird if you are selling something you don’t believe in, if you don’t actually think they’re going to get the outcome. And no one’s going to want to buy something that they’re not going to get the value out of. Nobody’s going to buy dinner if they’re never going to get the dinner.

Or it would be like buying a boat that has a giant hole in it. The reason why you buy a boat is so you can get on the water and do whatever, wakeboard. But if there’s a hole, you can’t do that. If you don’t see the value, if you don’t believe that they’re going to get the outcome they want, that’s going to show up in how you market and everything that you do.

Again, I’m going to say it for the third time. This is something we work on building inside the program that you get lifetime access to. And in the marketing workbook, I’m actually going to break down how to believe this thought, “This will change their life. They will get the outcome that they want.”

So that you can take that into the marketing tools and into the marketing equation I’m going to talk about next week in part two of this and is broken down in the second part of the workbook and the workshop and be effective with your marketing, and actually create content that signs clients.

So people want and need this today, I can help them, this will change their life. These are the only three thoughts you need to have in order to sign clients. These are the three thoughts that have taken so many students who join Anything but Average and have wanted to start their coaching business for a really long time, and because they build these thoughts, it literally compels them into action.

They don’t have to force themselves into action. They literally think people want and need this today, I can help them, this will change their life, they can’t help but share their coaching with people. And when you enroll in May, you will get the marketing workbook that breaks down this exact thinking and then how to translate that into marketing so you can sign clients over and over and over again.

I think I kind of got off track on what I was saying before, but people have been wanting to start for so long it compels them into action, and then they start signing clients in the first 30 days. We have women who put off starting their coaching business for years, join the program, and within the first two months have made $11,000.

It’s because of these three thoughts. So when you enroll today, you will get immediate access to the e-book that breaks down these three thoughts, you will get the physical copy delivered to your house, you will get an invite to the live workshop that I’m doing, and you will get lifetime access to Anything but Average, starting your coaching business, and learning that process and weekly coaching with me in the program.

Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/anythingbutaverage. I will see you guys on the inside and I will see you on the live workshop. Bye.

If you’re ready to take this work deeper and create your own coaching business, join us in Anything but Average, where I will walk you through the step-by-step process to become a coach, start your coaching business, and start signing clients. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/anythingbutaverage and I will see you on the inside.

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