
[SCEO] 106: The End of an Era

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I have some very exciting news to announce today! As you know, this podcast has always been about serving my mission and my vision to help as many people as I can. Through consistent action and implementation of this work, the things we can do in our lives become so much clearer, and this is where I am right now in my own life.

I have never had more clarity of my purpose, to help all of you master your minds and create massive results in every single aspect of your life, and I want to be even more focused in my zone of genius. Soul CEO has been a vehicle for me to do that, but I want to be even more effective in speaking to you and serving even more people at a higher level.

Listen in this week as some big changes happen here in my business! I want you all to evolve with me as I take you through a new beginning and a new evolution of me serving all of you. I know I’m meant to help you create a life that blows your mind, and this next step is definitely going to do that, so make sure to stay tuned!

If you are ready to finally commit to the change you want to create in your life, whatever area that may be, you need to join my Anything but Average program. You’ll learn the step-by-step process on how to make real change, and you’ll also get a lifetime of coaching with me and support in a wonderful community. Click here to find out more and I can’t wait to see you there!

What You'll Learn on this Episode

  • Why this is the end of an era for Soul CEO.
  • What you will gain from this stage of evolution.
  • Why I decided it was time for this podcast to evolve.

Featured on the Show

  • If you are ready to take this work deeper and make your dream business a reality,  join my Mango Magic Business Academy.
  • Or if you don’t have a business and you are ready to bring your dream life to reality and know you are meant for more, my Mango Magic Life School is also available.
  • Join me on Instagram and tag me in all your Soul CEO aha! moments!
  • Don’t forget to grab your free training of my High-Vibe Formula (how I created a multiple six-figure business, attracted the man of my dreams, and created a life with complete time freedom…in less than 18 months)!

Click to Read Episode Transcript

Hi girl, welcome to Soul CEO; a podcast for women who know they’re destined for more. I’m Lindsey Mango and I’m going to show you that you can have it all and teach you how to get it by becoming the CEO of your soul, life, and business. Let’s get started.

Hello, how are you guys? And welcome back to another week and another episode of Soul CEO. I am so freaking pumped to be here with you guys and talking to you over your headphones in your car or wherever you are. Maybe you’re at work. And I have to tell you guys that this is a big episode because the end of an era is coming and a door is closing.

And so today what I want to do on this episode is I want to announce what this kind of evolution is and explain what’s going to happen next because I love you guys. You are my loyal people. I know you tune in every week and I want to make sure you know what’s going on. And then I want to talk a little bit about what you guys can take from this evolution and learn from this, because that’s what this is all about.

So what’s happening? So this is actually going to be the last podcast episode that goes live under the name Soul CEO. And this is so exciting because my mission, my vision, my company, and the purpose that I’m serving is evolving and I just know in my soul that the title of this podcast needs to evolve with it.

And with that evolvement is going to come similar style of podcasts, similar value and similar teachings, but even more intentional teachings and value that you’re going to get every week, and focus, and even more specific work that you guys will learn with this new evolution.

So Soul CEO is coming to an end, but what is coming to a beginning is the next evolution of this podcast, which is going to be called Anything but Average. And just like anything else, things like podcasts, things like visions, things like purposes evolve and it’s important that you bring the people along with you and also understand that you might lose some people along the way.

So I want you guys to know that you’re still going to be given weekly episodes, just like you are now, on Wednesday. They’re still going to come through on the same channel that you guys have been getting. There’s going to be a new cover photo and there’s going to be a new title, like I said, Anything but Average.

And like I said, it’s going to be focused on the same types of things. So how to shift your mindset, how to remove limiting beliefs, how to change the way you’re thinking and who you’re being, and how you’re showing up to create a different life, to create the life that you’re meant to live, to create a life that blows your mind, to finally have everything that you want.

And so this podcast, this is an exciting new beginning, a new evolution of me serving you guys and helping you all do that work. So with that being said, I just want to celebrate you guys. Thank you so much for being here. I can’t wait to see you next week, listening to the new episode and I can’t wait to hear your feedback about it.

I just want to tell you guys how grateful and honored I have been on this 105-episode journey and how much I cannot wait to move on to the next evolution of this and serve you guys at a higher level than ever. The other thing that I really want to let you guys in on is that all of the old episodes will still be here so you can go back, you can tune in.

Don’t worry. I know some of you guys like to go back and actually go through and do the homework and apply the things that you’re learning in those past episodes. They will still be there. Do not worry.

The other thing I want to share with you guys is the reason why this podcast is evolving is because action and through implementation and through the things that you guys do in your lives will come even more clarity and evolution and you will change and you will grow and you will become more clear on the next part of your journey and the next phase of your journey.

And that’s exactly what has happened with me. I am more clear than ever that my purpose on this planet is to help all of you guys master your minds so that you can create massive results in every single aspect of your life. And I know that that is my zone of genius, my expertise, and I know that’s what all of you guys are here to do as well and I want that to be more focused.

I want it to be more effective. I want this podcast to really speak to that for all of you. And the last thing I want to share with you guys today is how powerful and how important it is to make decisions and go all in on the decisions that you make.

And this decision to change this podcast and to have it evolve with me I know is going to serve even more people at a higher level. And so I know it’s a part of my job, despite any fears, despite any discomfort, to be all in on that mission for you guys and for me, so that I can serve at the highest level and continue to do my work in the world.

And so I want you guys to know that if there’s any decision in your life, like if you’ve changed, if you’ve grown, if you’ve evolved, and I know some of the last episodes I did were about decision making, but I really want you guys to look at if you have experienced that, is there something that you know is the next step, that you need to go all in on and you haven’t yet?

And what is that thing? And what does that look like? And what is it going to take for you to be all in? The thing that’s helped me really decide is to recognize that I’m going to be doing people a disservice if I do not follow this call, if I do not evolve with my mission and my purpose and what I’m meant to do on this earth.

And so that has gotten me over any fear, any doubt that I have that could hold me back from being all in on it. So I want you guys to take this episode and one, I want you to be excited because we’re going to be kicking off a new title, a new episode, kind of a whole new vibe next week.

And I’m going to be going back to some foundations and teaching you my step-by-step process and giving you tons of huge value on next week’s and next coming week’s episodes. And I also want you to look at where is there something that you need to go all in on? Where is there a decision you need to make to be all in on the life that you are wanting to create?

Because that’s what this next evolution is going to all be about. And I want you to take this as your sign to make a powerful decision and be all in and don’t look back and know that you doing that is going to be the best thing for you and the best thing for everyone around you.

So I love you guys. I cannot wait to introduce my new podcast title, my new podcast cover art, this new mission with you all, and just help you create lives in every single way that blow your mind, that you are meant to live. Because you are meant to have it all. And that’s what this podcast has really always been about and that is what this new title and what this new podcast is going to be all about.

So I love you guys. I can’t wait to see you next week and I will talk with you soon. Bye.

Thank you for tuning into today’s episode of Soul CEO. If you are ready to take this work deeper and you want to bring your dream business to a reality, I wanted to make sure that you knew that Mango Magic Business Academy was available to you. Head to lindseymangocoaching.com/mangomagic.

Or if you don’t have a business and you are ready to bring your dream life to a reality and know you are meant for more, my Mango Magic Life School is also available. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/mangomagiclifeschool for all the details. These programs are both life and business changing and you get access and coaching with me to walk through the modules and ask questions and get support to make your dream life or your dream business, or both a reality. I love you. I can’t wait to see you in there.

I love hearing from you!

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