
Ep #35: How to Enjoy the Holidays No Matter What

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2020 has been a total mess for so many of us so far, and the holidays aren’t going to be any different. Or maybe your holidays are always messy and there are parts of them that you dread every year. Whatever it is for you, the good news is it doesn’t have to be this way.

In Anything but Average, the most important thing I teach you is how to change your life and create one you really love, and this is a choice we can make for the holidays too. And if you embrace what I’m sharing with you today, I guarantee you can enjoy the holidays no matter what the circumstances are.

Join me on the podcast this week to discover how to enjoy the holidays, no matter what circumstances come your way. I’m sharing why now is the perfect time to do this work, and what you can do to try and enjoy the things that you might usually find annoying or even upsetting.

Just so you guys know, Anything but Average is open for the rest of the year, where I’m going to teach you how to create a coaching business by changing your life, finding your unique purpose, launching your coaching business, and then going out and changing other people’s lives. Because you don’t have to wait until the new year to take this step. Click here to learn more. 

What You'll Learn on this Episode

  • How this holiday season in particular offers the perfect opportunity to take charge of your own experience.
  • Why intentionally deciding to enjoy the holidays is your choice to make.
  • How to look at the things that make holidays stressful through a new lens.

Featured on the Show

  • If you are ready to take this work deeper and make your dream business a reality, join my Anything but Average program.
  • Join me on Instagram and tag me in all your Anything but Average aha! moments!

Click to Read Episode Transcript

Hey guys, welcome to the Anything but Average Podcast, with your host, me, life coach Lindsey Mango, where I am going to teach you how to change your life, find your purpose, and change other people’s lives because that’s what it takes to have an anything but average life. Let’s get started.

Hello, and welcome back to another week and another episode of Anything but Average. Guys, happy Thanksgiving. This episode – I always think about, when I say that, someone’s going to listen to this in like three months and be like, “What is she talking about?”

But just a heads up, this episode is coming out live the day before Thanksgiving. And so, I just want to wish you guys a happy Thanksgiving and I hope you have the most amazing time, whether you’re spending it alone and self-quarantining or whether you’re spending it with family. I love you guys and I am just so thankful for every single one of you and the fact that I get to do this work and help you and impact you in some way, shape, or form. So, thank you, guys.

Another quick thing. I also try to avoid the time of day where they are hammering next door. We live in a new neighborhood so there are lots of noises and houses going up right now. And unfortunately, today I didn’t avoid that time. So, if you hear some knocking, we’re just going to roll with it. That’s what’s happening. And if you don’t, perfect, my podcasting closet is apparently doing its job.

And the last thing, I want to give you guys a quick heads up. In the next episode, I’m going to be giving you an update about Anything but Average and the direction that it is going, because I’ve made a couple of changes and a couple of decisions and I want to make sure for you guys, as my listeners, that I don’t just blindside you and change a bunch of things.

I want to really lay out how I made that decision, what decision I made, and the direction that Anything but Average is going to be going in 2021 and to finish out this year. As well as give you guys kind of a – I don’t even want to call it a process, but finish out the last four episodes of the year with some super-valuable content that’s going to help you finish out 2020, like sprinting through the finish line and starting out 2021 just all in on everything that you want.

So, that’s what’s coming up. I literally cannot believe that I’m talking about the last, I think it’s five or six episodes of the year. Can you guys believe that? It has been like the longest shortest year. You guys know what I’m talking about.

Alright, so I’ve been thinking long and hard about what I wanted to share with you guys today. And that’s what I think about all the time. What do you guys need to hear? What is going to be the most beneficial in the moment when this podcast episode goes live?

And I realized that with Thanksgiving tomorrow and with the holidays coming up, and with everything going on in the world right now, with COVID and the cases going up, that there is a lot on a lot of people’s plates. And there’s a lot happening.

I have so many clients who are business owners and they’re having to adjust to COVID. I have so many of you guys who are moms who have your kids home like fulltime and you’re teaching and you’ve never done that before. There’s just so much on your plates.

And so, what I wanted to offer for you guys today is how to enjoy your holiday no matter what the circumstance is. Because the other thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of people are doing their part and they are not going to be with family on Thanksgiving, which can be kind of lonely and sad.

And so, just with so much happening in the world right now and so much on all of your plates, I wanted to do something that was super-relevant to the moment which is how to enjoy your holiday no matter the circumstance.

So, you guys know that one of the biggest things I teach you is how to change your life and how to create the life you really want. And that’s the first step of creating a coaching business because you become a student of your work.

And one of the most important parts of that is you being the one in charge of the experience that you have, of yourself, of your life, of whatever is happening in front of you. What happens for most of us is our brain kind of goes on autopilot. And when our brain is on autopilot, it just reacts to whatever circumstance is in front of us the way that it always has.

So, maybe with Thanksgiving tomorrow, maybe you’re not seeing your family. Maybe you’re more stressed than usual. Maybe things just aren’t normal and your brain is like, “Any time I feel stressed or things aren’t normal I immediately get frustrated and I’m not present and I don’t enjoy it and react to it.” And that’s kind of how our brain works. It’s the most efficient way for our brain to operate.

And I’ve said this so many times; our brain is not here to help us live amazing lives. Our brains just really want to be efficient.

And so, one of the biggest things that I want you guys to take from this episode and I want you to take from all of the work that I’m teaching you is the ability and the responsibility for you to be the one in charge of how you experience your life, how you experience circumstances. Because at the end of the day, that is going to be what dictates the results you get in your life.

And so, if we’re just operating on autopilot, we’re just going to keep creating the same results over and over and over again. And so, what I wanted to offer with you guys today with the holiday and with so many things that are kind of up in the air, I wanted to offer that this is the best opportunity for you to practice this work, for you to be the one in charge of how you feel and the experience you have no matter what the circumstance is.

No matter if you’re spending the holiday alone or just with your significant other and not seeing your family, no matter if you have more on your plate than you’ve ever had before. I want to gift you guys the ability and the opportunity to see this as something that you get to be in charge of, to see Thanksgiving and to see the holidays as an opportunity for you to be in control of the experience you have because you and your mind and the way you think and the way you feel and the way you show up, everything is going to dictate the experience you have.

So, how can you enjoy Thanksgiving and the holidays no matter what? You be the one in charge of what you’re thinking and what you’re feeling, no matter what the circumstance is.

So, you guys have heard me. I’ve talked about the model. That’s what the model is all about. It is taking a circumstance, no matter what it is, and learning how to change your thinking and your feelings so you can create a different result.

So, my question for you is what would you have to think in order to feel the way you want to feel during your holiday? What would you have to think in order to feel at ease and peace and actually enjoy tomorrow and Christmas time and the holidays?

How would you have to show up to it and what experience do you want to create for yourself, no matter what the circumstance is? That’s what’s going to give you the power you need to create the experience you want to have in these holidays.

And I was actually thinking about, before I hit record, you know how I’m very fortunate in that nobody close to me at a young age has ever passed away. But I’ve always thought about how you know those little things that annoy you about somebody or about your husband or your wife or whatever, about your friend, those silly things they do like leave their clothes out or make a certain sound when they walk in the room, or who knows what?

I was thinking about how those things are the things that we would miss the most if these people weren’t around. Like, I think about how if something happened to Chris, I would give anything for him to leave his shoes out. And I would miss that. And so, I was thinking about how that perspective offers so much perspective to the experiences we’re having in the current moment.

Yes, could you be overwhelmed with everything going on right now? 100% Yes, could you be annoyed that your mom or your aunt Sue keeps bringing up something at the Thanksgiving dinner table? Yes, 100%. And I have total compassion for that. And I just want to offer that this is a moment you will miss.

This is a moment you will be 10 years in the future and you will look back on. This is a moment that you get to create the experience that you have. And I want to gist you the power to create the experience you want. I want to gift you the opportunity to have a miracle moment sitting at the dinner table and have your aunt Sue say the same thing and instead of getting frustrated and reacting and getting up from the table, you think, “You know what? I love Aunt Sue. She’s doing the best she can. I love that I get to be here with her.”

Or maybe you’re doing Thanksgiving on Zoom and you’re not even with your family. What could make you appreciative and grateful and feel excited about that? What are you going to miss about that moment? That perspective is going to change everything.

I love you guys and I hope you have the most amazing Thanksgiving and holiday no matter what your circumstance is. And I just want you to know that you get to create the experience you have.

If you’re by yourself, cook yourself an amazing dinner. Put your family on Zoom. Grab your favorite bottle of wine or your favorite spritzer or whatever it is and just enjoy the moment. Turn on Christmas music, decorate for the holidays, make it the experience you want to have because you get to be in charge of that.

And if you’re in charge of that, it doesn’t matter where you go, there you are. And there you get to create that experience over and over and over again. When you do that, that makes you the best student of this work. And when you’re the best student of this work, you are going to bring so much to the table to help other people as well.

Alright, I love you guys. Have a wonderful holiday. I will talk to you next week. And just so you guys know, Anything but Average is open for the rest of the year, where I’m going to teach you how to create a coaching business by changing your life, finding your unique purpose, launching your coaching business, and then going out and changing other people’s lives. Because you don’t have to wait until the new year to take this step.

It only took me six months to replace my corporate salary when I started my coaching business. If you start now, by April you could be leaving your job for something that you love and giving yourself the freedom that you really want.

You don’t have to know the how. That’s what Anything but Average is for. You don’t even have to know what kind of coach you want to be or how you want to do it. Let me take care of that. Let the program take care of that. All you have to know is that you want more, you want freedom, you want to do something fulfilling, you want to create some sort of coaching business in order to accomplish that because that’s what will give you your Anything but Average life. And then let the program do the rest.

I love you guys. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/anythingbutaverage and I will talk to you next week. Bye.

If you want to take this work even deeper and coach with me in my signature program, go to lindseymangocoaching.com/anythingbutaverage. In this program, I will teach you how to take this work and create results so you can have a life that blows your mind in the areas of money, purpose, health, lifestyle, and romance. I can’t wait to see you on the inside.

I love hearing from you!

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