
Ep #100: Anything but Average Coach Mastermind Interview Series: Binie Klein – 100k Doing Less

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I’m so excited to kick off the first-ever episode of my Anything but Average Coach Mastermind interview series! I’ve handpicked some amazing clients from my mastermind who have exemplified the ABA philosophy and process, who have in turn created the life and business of their wildest dreams. 

My first guest on the show is Binie Klein. Binie is a life coach who helps people create more success at work while feeling more present and connected in their personal lives. Pregnant with her second child and not entirely loving where she was, she was dreaming about having both a successful life and business. And when she found the mastermind, she knew it was the best next step for her.

Listen in this week as Binie shares her journey of being a part of the ABA Coach Mastermind. She’s letting us into her decision-making process for joining the mastermind, the work she’s done to move closer towards her goals, and how her beliefs about herself and her business have transformed drastically. 

The Anything but Average doors are currently closed. But for exclusive sneak peeks of the portal, the program, and the community, click here to join the waitlist!

The next round of the Anything but Average Coach Mastermind opens TODAY for the spring of 2022 class! There are only 20 spots available and applications close on March 6th at 11:59 Eastern time, so jump on it!

What You'll Learn on this Episode

  • What led Binie to pursue life coaching. 
  • Why Binie is so passionate about being in service and helping people. 
  • How Binie came to the conclusion that joining the ABA Coach Mastermind was what she needed.
  • The biggest shifts she had to make to enroll in and commit to the mastermind.
  • Why Binie decided she didn’t want to wait to join until after she came back from her maternity leave. 
  • How joining the mastermind has impacted her work with her clients. 
  • 3 transformations Binie has experienced since joining the mastermind.

Featured on the Show


Click to Read Episode Transcript

Welcome to the Anything But Average podcast where I will teach you how to create a coaching business one step at a time. I’m Lindsey Mango, a life coach passionate about helping you create the life of your wildest dreams by creating a coaching business. Let’s get started.

Lindsey: Hello, and welcome back to another week and another episode of Anything But Average. Hey guys, welcome, and this week we are diving into the Anything But Average Coach Mastermind Interview Series, where I take clients from my mastermind who have exemplified the philosophy and process and created massive results in their coaching business while creating the life that they really want.

I am so excited to introduce to you guys Binie Klein, who is a life coach who helps people create more success at work while feeling present and connected in their lives. Hey, Binie, how’s it going?

Binie: It’s going good. Thank you so much for having me, I’m super excited to be here.

Lindsey: I love it. Well, let’s dive right in. And we’re going to take it all the way back to before your coaching business so people can get an idea of where you came from and your journey to starting your coaching business. And then we will talk more about the philosophy in the mastermind and what you have created since joining the mastermind.

So tell me a little bit about your story and what led you to coaching.

Binie: Yeah, so I grew up in a Jewish observant home. And my parents created an organization for children with special needs. So I always grew up really seeing the value of service and of helping others. And I always loved watching my parents help other people or even just people coming to my house and telling me that your parents changed my life, they helped our family so much.

And that always planted the seed within me that I want to do something that helps people. I don’t know what exactly that will be, but I definitely want to do something that helps people because I saw how much it filled my parents up and how much it really impacted where I grew up here in Miami.

So that was something that I always thought about. And I always saw my mother working really, really hard. I always thought I definitely want to work, I definitely want to contribute, probably not as hard as she works. But those are some of the things that I kind of was thinking about as I was growing up.

And then after college I got involved in nonprofit and got involved in communication and I was always searching for that thing. Like what is my thing going to be? I knew that I didn’t want to get to 80 or 90 years old and just look back on my life and say I did a job that anybody could have done, you know, that I kind of did okay or a good-ish job. I really wanted to find what that thing would be that I would thrive in, that I’d be able to help the most amount of people and that I would be super successful in.

So I was always on the search for that. And I was also really determined to find that thing sooner rather than later. So when I was in one job and really didn’t love it, instead of just jumping into another job that maybe paid a little bit more or I would like a little bit more, I really searched and tried to figure out what are my talents? How can I help people? How can I make a difference?

And that’s when I realized that I always got complimented on how I would speak to others, how I would motivate others. And I was trying to figure out like, what is a career that does that? And that’s how I stumbled upon life coaching.

And I found coaching and I found some life coaches, I started following them and I was so hooked that I was like, “This is my thing.” So I started Googling life coaching, how to get started, how to get certified. I found IPEC, I started right away. And just since then I’ve never looked back. I got certified, started a business, left my job and yeah, that’s been it.

Lindsey: So cool. So I’m so curious really quick, did you say somebody recommended it or you just kind of happened upon it? Because I look back on my journey and I’m like, I don’t remember seeing anything about life coaching being a career or existing.

Binie: It’s actually so funny because I’ve always heard the buzz word like life coach. I think in high school, maybe one of my teachers was also a life coach. Totally thought they just gave advice, thought it wasn’t a real career. I never would have thought about it. But it was really only because I was trying to figure out what I was good at and what I would do well at. And I knew that it was that it was something to do with motivating and inspiring people.

And I promise you, I Googled every combination of careers that motivate people, careers that inspire people, and that’s when I stumbled upon life coach. And then I just did tons of research, what is a life coach? How to become a life coach? And then I found other life coaches, and that’s when I pieced together the puzzle and I’m like, “This is a real thing and I want to do this. And how do I get started as soon as possible?”

Lindsey: So good. I feel like that’s part of our work too, just in general. Obviously I help people start coaching businesses and then take them to the next level. And you’re helping people create more success at work while feeling present in their lives. But I also feel like every coach is like we just have to make sure that people know that this is a career that exists. Because I feel like so many people would love to do it if they only knew that it was an option.

Binie: Exactly, exactly. There’s so many misconceptions around what it is and what it isn’t, and so I love clarifying that for people. And really also helping people figure out what is the thing that they want to do? Because I think often we just get stuck in like what’s the next thing? And where can I make a little more money?

And I think when you find the thing that you love to do, and that you’re good at, the sky’s the limit for you. As opposed to just doing something random anybody else can do that you’re not great at.

Lindsey: Yes, that’s so good. Okay, so you said you left your job, when was that?

Binie: So I actually only left my job like not even a year ago. I started my coaching business while I finish getting certified. And I decided you know what, the responsible thing to do is hold on to my job and the steady paycheck while I’m building my business.

And then I definitely was not at a point where – I know some people would have suggested leaving my job. But I really had the foresight and the belief that this is it, I’m going to make lots of money being a life coach. And I really need to focus not just my time, but my energy on coaching and not have that split focus between my job and my coaching business. And so that’s when I just took the leap and said I’m all in here. That was actually March of 2021, believe it or not.

Lindsey: Oh my gosh. And what were you doing before? I know you said you worked kind of in not for profit.

Binie: Yeah, I was doing communications and recruiting for like endurance events that were benefiting actually children with special needs. So similar to what I saw my parents doing, but the recruiting side of it. So also something to do with people. And that’s actually how I realized that I love working with people and so what’s something that I can do for myself a little bit different that really helps people one to one. That’s how I found coaching.

Lindsey: So good. Okay, so you leave her job and you’re getting your coaching business going, tell me what happened next.

Binie: Yeah, so last year was my first full year as a coach. And again, I started the year before, but it wasn’t full time. And I was feeling a lot of pressure. A lot of pressure, a lot of internal pressure. I always grew up doing really well in school, getting great grades, I always grew up that hard work equals success. I saw my parents working really, really hard. And so I thought I’m going to put in lots of time and lots of effort into my business and I’m going to do well, like all the other coaches that I see around me.

And obviously, it’s not all about the action. And even though I knew that because I was a coach, right, coaching other clients, it was hard to not fall into that trap myself. So I was putting lots of time into my business, doing lots of different things, was going to lots of different events, doing all the different lives, being on all the different platforms.

And I did see success, I did start signing clients and coaching them, and they were loving the coaching that I was doing. But it was a lot. I constantly felt this pressure and if I didn’t sign the amount of clients I wanted to that month, I’d feel a lot of disappointment.

And it was like constantly trying to figure out how to balance everything. How to balance my toddler, and how to spend time with my husband, exercise, which is super important to me, and friends, and work. And it felt like this constant vicious cycle of like fit it all in, fit it all, fit it all in.

Lindsey: So good. So you were going, going, going. And then what happened? What kind of inspired you to make a change?

Binie: So I think I always knew in the back of my head that there’s got to be another way. There’s got to be a way that it can feel less pressured, while still getting results. But I didn’t know that other way. So I was trying all the different things. You know, following a lot of coaches, I had my own one-to-one coach. And I knew I just wanted this consistent business where I was helping people, where I was working with clients consistently but also really taking time for myself.

And I think what really prompted the change was I got pregnant with my second child, which I’m still pregnant now as we’re airing this podcast. But I got pregnant and that really made things shift in my mind because I started to realize I’m for sure going to want to take off when I have the baby. And so how am I going to make that transition?

And I really really just want this balance, right? I want to be able to have time for my family and I want to be able to have time for my work. And it clearly wasn’t working because I wasn’t signing clients as consistently as I wanted and as I knew that I could be.

So I started talking to some other friends, some other coaches. And another coach friend mentioned that she was in this mastermind, Anything But Average. I was like, that sounds interesting. So I started to read more and listen more, and the more that I heard about this mastermind I’m like, “Oh my God, this is exact what I want. I want the coaching business that I love along with the life that I love.”

And what’s actually interesting is that’s what I coach a lot of my clients on, how to have the success that they want in their work while being present at home. So they were getting results as, of course, I was getting results. But then everything really went to the next level once I joined this mastermind.

So a part of it was just knowing that I was pregnant, things weren’t exactly where I wanted them to be. And I really had this belief that it could be better, that I could be seeing more success and I could feel more relaxed. And then when I found this mastermind, I’m like, “I think this might be the best next step for me.”

I tried not to make it mean like this is the answer, right? We don’t want to give all our power away, but I’m like, I think this is a good next step. And I was a double checking that I wasn’t just jumping in out of lack. And then once I really did coach myself around it, I’m like, “No, this is actually really what I want.” And that’s what prompted me to sign up. And then seeing that you were pregnant too right around when I was signing up, I was like, “Oh, this is definitely meant to be.”

Lindsey: Definitely has offered some good insight for that whole process too, right?

Binie: Yes.

Lindsey: So good. Okay, so you find the mastermind and you join. What was the biggest shift you had to make in order to first put yourself in the room, right? You were pregnant, you were building this business. You told me before we started recording that you were going to networking events every single week and driving yourself there and putting lots of time in. What was the biggest shift that you had to make to actually take that first step and commit and enroll and apply, essentially?

Binie: So the first step I think that I had to take was really just believing that what I wanted was possible. Really thinking about what it was that I wanted, what type of life I wanted, what type of coaching business I wanted. And that it was possible and that this is the room that I wanted to create it in. Because you can create results in a lot of different ways with different types of coaches, but I realized that this was the place I wanted to do it with, with you, you know, with Lindsey, with the other women in the room.

And this was my first time joining a mastermind and I was excited to be able to learn from other people who are at different points in their coaching businesses, who maybe have made more money than me or less money than me. I really didn’t even know what I was signing up for. But I knew that this was the room that I wanted to do that in.

And I had to really just believe that I would get what I came for because I knew that I would be missing part of the mastermind because I knew I’d be having a baby towards the middle, in the middle towards the end. And I’d be missing probably about two months of it, depending on what I wanted to take off.

So I had to really just decide that I am going to get what I came for and reach these goals and create the life that I want and the business that I want. And it doesn’t matter how many calls I show up to and it doesn’t matter the details because I’m worth it, these results are worth it, and I’m going to get it no matter what.

Lindsey; So good. How did you believe that? You know, it would have been easy to be like, “I’m going to miss two months of this mastermind. I’m going to just wait until the next round.” How did you get past that?

Binie: I thought about like what does waiting until the next round look like? So I thought about that would be after I have the baby, until enrollment opens again, until it starts, that would be April. So I’m like till April to get all the lessons, to get all the learning, to be in that room, to grow. That is so far away, I have so much time before that. There’s so many people that I could help before that.

Also, I want to go into my maternity leave with this background, with believing this life is possible. I want to come back from maternity leave with this foundation. I don’t want to wait until then for all of that. And then I thought about the investment and I started just getting playful in my head about all the ways that of course I’m going to make it back, right?

It’s like X amount of clients, and of course I’m going to do it. And I thought about the friend who had suggested that I join and her results, and I’m like, “Oh of course I can do this. There’s no way I won’t.” And I think just really thinking about that and thinking about what waiting means. Why in the world would I wait?

Then it became so clear that there was so much available to me before the next round of the mastermind that I knew I would get that all and it didn’t matter if I was there for every call or not.

Lindsey: And how is that going to change your maternity leave? Had you waited, what would have maternity leave looked like before versus what it’s going to look like now?

Binie: Oh my gosh, that’s such a good question because before I kept having so much pressure about the maternity leave, and how my clients will be, and needing to provide them with all of the things. And then the same way I started doing less in my business, I started realizing my clients don’t need tons of videos and tons of different worksheets for them to have while I’m gone.

I was able to focus on what end result they want and giving them what they need. So now I’m entering my maternity leave feeling so much more calm, and calm about coming back because I know that I can come back and just coach those clients and then post when I feel up to it. Versus if I hadn’t joined this mastermind I know I’d feel so stressed that after two months I got to get a nanny for all of the hours in the day so I can go back to doing all the things because all of the things is the only way to succeed.

And now I’ve stripped away all of that pressure and I’m feeling so calm and this is the exact energy I want to go into having my next baby and growing my family. So I couldn’t have even foreseen that. That wasn’t even one of the goals in the mastermind, but I’m so grateful for it because of the energy and how I’m feeling now, three weeks away from being due.

Lindsey: Yes, so good. And I think what’s so powerful about that is that a lot of people think pressure is created from external things, right? Like from the timeline of having a baby come, or the timeline of having a goal, or whatever. Like the fact that they’re just getting their business going and that’s just how it is.

When in reality, the pressure is something we create. It comes from the lack of belief that we’re going to sign clients simply and easily. It comes from thinking we have to do, do, do more. And if we’re not doing more, then we’re not going to sign clients. And regardless of where you are in your business, it doesn’t matter what your results are. If you are creating that, then it’s just you’re constantly putting yourself in this state of pressure in order to create the outcomes that you want.

And what happens is, when you do that, when you take time off for whatever it is. Whether it be a five day vacation, or maternity leave, or even on the weekend. If you believe that pressure and that action is what’s going to move your business forward, the minute that you take that time off, it stops. Your momentum stops. And either one of two things will happen, right?

Some people will go one direction where they just totally disconnect and forget about their business while they’re off because it’s so much pressure, they just need a break. And then when they get back, they feel like they’re starting all over. Or the time they do take off feels very, even though they’re not actually working, in the back of their mind they’re working. And they’re thinking about their work, and they’re thinking they should be doing something. So you never actually get a break because that pressure is always there.

And that’s really one of the biggest foundational philosophies of the mastermind. And what we’ve worked on with Binie is learning how to remove that pressure, create a simple plan in her business and a simple approach that creates results and that builds momentum, whether she’s there doing something or not.

Binie: Yes, yes, and it’s so crazy. As you’re saying that, Lindsey, I’m thinking about how now I’m in my ninth month and I stripped away all that pressure. And I’m just showing up for myself, taking care of myself, getting ready for the baby. Like preparing for maternity leave, a couple of things I need to do for my clients, maybe a post here or there. And I’ve had so many people reaching out about getting started, signed a client this month.

Versus all the pressure that I felt in months past where I wasn’t getting as far and just realizing that now I’m going to go on this maternity leave not feeling either of those two options that you just mentioned, which I used to feel all the time when I took off. And knowing that I’ll feel so good, and I’ll trust that my business will be okay, my clients are okay.

And I’ll come back and it’ll just be like, yeah, you were gone and now you’re back and it’s fine. Versus coming back and getting started again and not trusting myself or my clients that they’ll be okay. So yeah, it’s incredible.

Lindsey: And just so you guys know, you said nine months, right?

Binie: Yeah.

Lindsey: Binie is nine months into her business, like from starting it and leaving her job, right? And we’re only like three-ish, four months into the mastermind right now as we’re doing this interview. So just to give you some perspective about where she’s at in her business and the progress that she’s made since then.

But the one thing I was going to ask was how has this impacted your work with your clients? Because you essentially sell the same thing, right? You’re selling and helping people create more success without sacrificing their personal lives and having balance in their personal lives. So how has been able to implement this in your own life in a deeper and bigger way impacted what you’re doing for your clients and your ability to also actually sign clients?

Binie: So that’s also something that I noticed over this mastermind, over the past couple of months. My clients getting quicker results and my process getting so much more clear. You know, I actually gravitated towards this type of coaching because that’s what I needed and that’s always been my work. I’ve always had so many things that are important to me that I’ve never wanted to sacrifice.

I’ve never wanted to sacrifice exercising. I’ve never wanted to sacrifice being social, I love hanging out with my friends. I love spending time with my family. And making money, and having a business, and helping people was also a big priority. So I knew that that’s what I wanted, and I knew other people wanted that as well. And I really believe, always, that you didn’t have to choose.

But as I’ve gotten more clear and I’ve been able to simplify things and really create this balance more for myself, I’ve of course been able to coach my clients more and help them create this. Where now I have such a clear process where first we get clear on what their priorities are, and then we look at their schedule, and then we fill in the gaps, and we address their goals.

And now after a session or two, they’re having so many ahas, they’re bridging the gap in their own life and really reaching these goals so much quicker because I’m doing it myself. And I feel so much more confident and in integrity when I’m coaching.

So that was also a total hidden byproduct of this mastermind, that it has so much to do with the coaching that I do. And I am growing, my clients are growing, and people are, of course, reaching out more because they see me living this balance more and more, you know, on social media, in my personal life, and in my neighborhood with my friends and all.

Lindsey: Yes, and that, I would say, is one of the biggest philosophies of Anything But Average. Just the whole concept in general is that to be the best coach for your clients and to be able to really offer and sell your coaching at a higher level, we always start with your own work.

And Binie works with both business owners and people in careers, but whether that’s people in business, whether that’s people in their health, you working on the things that are blocking you in your life and in your business in this mastermind also help you understand what’s blocking your clients from creating the results in their life, and in their health, or their business, or their success in their career.

And so the better you get at that, the better you get as a coach, you help them at a faster and higher level, the more belief you also have in what you’re offering them. Because you so clearly see and have adjusted what you need to that you know what you’re offering them is going to help them at an even higher level.

So it’s almost like this compound effect starts to happen, where not only do you make these changes in your own business and in your own life and create more of the business you want, more of the life you want. You also start to translate that into your client’s results, they get better results. And that makes your ability to sell your coaching and sign more clients just like grow exponentially larger.

Binie: Yeah, yeah, and to work less. Because when you believe it more and you know how valuable your coaching is, it’s like I don’t need to work so hard, like I’m just that person. And sharing and giving that value, people want this, of course they want this because I’m so sold on the benefit, so of course they are as well. Which I definitely learned from you here.

Lindsey: So good. So tell me more about, like you come into the mastermind, where were you at in your business in terms of how many clients you had signed, and the amount of money you had created in your business?

Binie: So I changed what I was doing a couple of times, so I had clients that I worked with for three months and then I continued working with them, and then started with some, and then some quit. So I feel like things were very like up and down and flowing. I probably worked with maybe like seven or eight clients at that point.

But then when I got into the mastermind, that’s when I got the first thing that was super helpful was just getting really clear on what my offer was, what my price was, how long I would work with my clients and really selling myself on that. Because before that I had a lot of indecision and that took up a lot of head space.

Like maybe I should lower my price. And then people would say, “Oh, that’s so low.” Then maybe I should put it higher, that I could charge more, I could charge less. You know, should I do bi-weekly? I would kind of just cater it to whoever I was talking to. So really selling myself on this is it, this is my offer, this is my process and this is everything for the ideal client was so helpful.

And then from there I was able to create a lot more consistency. Because I think the ups and downs from before the mastermind was from the ups and downs, of course, in my head.

Lindsey: Yes, because I love how you said it took up so much brain space. And that’s one of the first things we do in the workbook and in the process, like Binie said, is we get clear on what is your one offer you’re going to go all in on. Unless you’re at a point where you’re at six figures and you’re kind of moving towards the multiple six figure, we might talk about more than one offer. And we have some of the girls doing that right now.

But we really focus on one offer, the best offer for your ideal clients and making that decision ahead of time so that you can spend your head space and your time and energy focused on what I would call like drama and the drama that’s going to help you grow.

When you’re in indecision, when you’re confused, you kind of stay stuck in the same drama, facing the same things. Instead of once you make that decision and you’re very clear on it, then you get to tackle the drama or the things that are blocking you from actually getting out and selling that offer, and signing clients with that offer, and continuing to build your business in a harmonious way with your life and what’s keeping you from that.

So how did that kind of, I mean, you kind of already mentioned that, but how did that play out? Before you spent a lot of your time and energy focused on the offer and changing it and all of that, what were you able to work on and get coaching on when we made that decision and then you started moving forward with it?

Binie: So after I made that decision, it was actually so much easier to set goals. And to believe that I would be able to achieve those goals because the offer felt amazing. It’s kind of selling subpar chocolate chip cookies versus believing you have the best chocolate chip cookies, that was me with my offer.

After doing this mastermind, I’m like, “No, I have the best cookies like. Of course, people are going to want it. Of course 20 people over the next year are going to want it. Obviously, I’m going to reach my goal because this offer is so good.”

So that was huge in my work here in the mastermind of, A, clarifying the offer and, B, selling myself on it. And really, I would do that every single day in my own self-coaching of like, this is the offer people are searching for. And just finding the proof for that everywhere and really getting clear on that.

So I think that once I did that, what I was able to start working on and focusing on is what are my goals? And how to release the pressure around my goals? Because up until this mastermind I would be the person who would put so much pressure on myself to do everything.

I would look back at a month and say like, “What did I do in my business?” And I just had the craziest, longest list. Like I was telling you before, I would go to tons of networking events, which I know none of these actions are a bad thing. But it’s about, like you always say, where is the action coming from? What is the belief that’s fueling it?

So I would do so much, like maybe a networking event is where I’ll sign a client, maybe a live, maybe posting on every single social media platform. So I was doing, and doing, and doing, and doing. And then I started to not really have time for doing all the things because I was pregnant. And the beginning of the mastermind I started to get sick, and I actually ended up getting sick a lot over the mastermind.

So my work in the mastermind, the next level of the work was how do I remove this pressure? Because it’s not working and it feels horrible. So that that was definitely the next step.

Lindsey: Yes, I remember actually, because with Binie we were also planning for her maternity leave and how she was going to continue to build her business and have it grow while taking these couple of months off. And I remember talking about all of the decisions you needed to make ahead of time. And then who you needed to become and how you needed to approach it in order to create that.

And I remember the transformation that happened in that moment. Because usually what happens is we go back and forth about these decisions because we have a lot of doubt and fear, instead of making these decisions from this place of certainty. And essentially deciding whatever result we want to have and how we want to do it, meaning what actions we want to take to get that result. And then focusing on who we need to become and how we need to think in order to create that.

Whereas what a lot of people do is they spend lots of time back and forth on the decisions, back and forth on all the actions they need to take or all the things that they should be doing. And it creates all of this, like there’s there’s like 100 moving parts.

And I think that was such a great example of really what we do with the whole process at the beginning of the mastermind too, is just we make all of the decisions. And then we just get clear on who do you need to be, how do you need to think, what do you need to believe about your offer and yourself in order to make this a reality?

In order to be able to take two months off and still grow your business over the next three months until then. In order to sign clients who will continue to thrive and grow while you’re gone and be there when you come back. In order for your business to grow when you’re away. In order for you to feel good in your life while you’re off and while you’re working.

And that’s what we get to problem solve instead of problem solving for all of the confusion and all the things you could be doing. And I feel like that was such a huge example. What was that experience like for you? We didn’t talk about it, but do you remember that whole thing?

Binie: Yes, I definitely do. And it’s so interesting because what we got clear on in this mastermind was like okay, well technically you could have time to do all the things. But what’s your thought process around like doing all the things? And then I started to realize here that I didn’t have time for all the things anymore, going to all those networking events and doing everything because I was sick, I was pregnant, and I just had some other things that I wanted to prioritize. And I didn’t really want to do that.

And so the coaching that I got in the group around just believing that what I have is so powerful, and that there’s no right way to say it, and that just believing in myself, in my offer is everything, that was such a big shift for me and so hard. Because just naturally I’m wired to work hard. Like I said, I’ve always seen my mother working so hard. And just realizing I don’t want to work that hard and I don’t need to work that hard, was everything.

And then now I’m nine months pregnant and I’m working so much less and getting so much further. So it was really hard at first. And honestly it was the harder work for me. When I was sick over these past few months with just a lot of different things, when I was sick it would be easier for me to push myself to show up in the mastermind call or push myself to show up to a live like that. That’s how I’m wired, that was easier for me.

And my work here was like no, stay in bed, rest and see what that creates for you. And I’m so glad that I have going into having another baby. And now that I’m able to offer that to my clients, because life gets busy. There’s going to be times that we’re going to get sick and we’re not going to have the time.

And so how do we stay in belief and stay in being that person who has the clients, has the business, has the life they want regardless of being sick was everything. So I kind of had to learn it, and it was a lot of hard work. But now I’m like, oh my god, life is just so much better. And my business is growing so much quicker, of course, as well.

Lindsey: It’s really uncomfortable where, it’s hard work in a different way. Because I’m wired very similar, it’d be so much easier to just grind it out and add 20 action items. What’s harder is not and then really building trust in what you’re doing and taking one action and really making that something that’s going to be effective.

That slowing down, I mean, that’s one of the biggest cornerstones of this mastermind. That slowing down is super uncomfortable because your brain feels safer by doing more. But when you do that and when you have me coaching you, when you have a process that is walking you through how to take a step back and look at why you’re taking action. And re-adjusting it and being okay with that discomfort, then you really set yourself up for what Binie is now seeing is way more success with a lot less work and a lot less pressure.

But if we don’t pause or if we don’t slow down to do that work, we just create a machine essentially, a business that just requires more and more of us. And our life gets less and less of us in order for us to create and hit bigger and bigger goals.

Binie: Yeah, just as a quick example of coaching that you gave me a couple weeks ago. I was sick, I thought it was Covid, I think it was the flu, but I was sick. And I was talking about the different things I wanted to do this month. And you were coaching me on you can have less energy and still show up if that’s what you feel you want to do. And you know what your ideal client needs.

And I realized that you were so right, and I just thought about my ideal client, what one person needs to hear. I had enough energy that day to put out a post. Put out one post and somebody who’s been following me for over a year now reached out like, “Oh my God, this is the exact coaching I need.” We had a consult and we started working together this week.

So this is just like all the work that we’ve been doing together summed up of you don’t need all the energy, you just really need value and belief in yourself and really zeroing in on who your ideal client is, what they need to hear and you can reach your goals. Versus the me of three months ago who would have been doing all the things and clearly wasn’t connecting to this type of person. So I saw all of our work flash before me last week.

Lindsey: Yes, that’s so good. It really is the difference of believing the energy, and the grind, and the work you put into something creates a result. Versus who you are, the way you show up, and the value you create is what creates the results. And when it’s energy, like I said, it’s always got to be more energy.

Which means for Binie, especially when she’s sick, she doesn’t feel good, she has a newborn, immediately that belief system is going to create a business that kind of shrivels or does not grow because she has less energy to give. Instead of you can create just as much value without doing more. You can create just as much value while you’re sick.

And I’m not a proponent of necessarily pushing through the sickness, but I think when you think energy equals success, energy equals results, it’s just an ongoing pattern that shows up over and over and over again that keeps you from really spending the time and slowing down to create the value that will create exponential results where, again, if life happens that you can still have a business that grows without you being 100% on and perfect all of the time.

Binie: Right, because that is life. Things will come up and that’s now what I’m able to help other people with. And even now, like being kind of, I’m not sick right now, but just kind of being in this more relaxed energy. It’s happened a couple times over the past few weeks, where people are like, “Oh, did you just say you’re a life coach? I actually need a life coach.”

Where in the past I would be dreaming of people telling me that, where I tried to tell everybody I was a coach. And then I was always wondering, like why don’t people want coaching, right? This was kind of in the beginning, or even before the mastermind. And now, I barely mention it or I do when it comes up naturally, and then people are just like, “Ooh, I want this.” And I’m like, okay, I definitely made a shift and just believing that this is what people want and that it can be simple.

Lindsey: And it’s so frustrating too, when you work so hard and you don’t see the level of results and then you hear about things like this, right? And you’re like, wait a minute, I don’t get it. Binie can take time off and do all this and is creating even more success. And it really is, the difference is thinking that your actions and grinding harder create the result versus really seeing the value in the way that you think and the way you show up.

And I think a very tangible example of that is it’s like marching hard in the wrong direction essentially. If you don’t think people want coaching, if you don’t think that what you have to offer is valuable, you can post 20 times a day. You can do 17 lives and go to networking events.

But if that is how you’re speaking about your coaching, if that is how you feel about your coaching, you are going to attract very different people and create very different results. Versus when you’re posting, when you are speaking with someone and you are completely certain and confident in what you have to offer them, and know that it’s highly valuable. That one action will produce 10 times the amount of results than posting 20 times and going to a networking event every week.

And that’s really what we do in this mastermind.

Binie: Yeah, it’s just not sexy, so I think that’s why a lot of people don’t want to do that. In the world it’s like work hard, do all the things, those are the people that are successful. But is that the life that you really want? And is that even creating the success that you really want? That’s what I think everybody needs to ask themselves.

Lindsey: Yes, so good. So how much money have you created since we began the mastermind? Again, we are recording these a little bit earlier this year. And so we’re only like what, halfway, a little bit more into the mastermind.

Binie: Yeah, so I’ve renewed a bunch of clients and I’ve signed five clients. And I made about 25K in the past couple of months with being sick a couple of times, taking weeks off, and working so much less, which is just so, so mind blowing to me.

Lindsey: Guys, $25,000, she’s not even done with her first year yet, while being pregnant, while being sick, while taking time off for a baby moon and doing all of the things. That is insane growth. And, Binie, I hope you hear that too. $25,000 in the last what? Three, four months? And it’s gone up from the beginning. What are you going to do in the next six months? It’s insane.

Binie: It is insane. It totally blows my mind when I think about it, and just the amount of money. But really even more than that it’s the impact of all the lessons and all the new thoughts and beliefs that I’ve been gathering in this mastermind. And I know that I’m going to come back from maternity leave and just be able to pick back up and create my new normal and adjust with baby number two. And I’ll be able to reach my next goals for the next year.

And this is my first time setting goals for a year and feeling like, “Ooh, they’re done.” And so that’s been really fun as well.

Lindsey: I love it. Okay, so before we wrap up, I mean, we’ve kind of laced them throughout the entire episode, but what do you feel like have been the biggest transformations, if you were to like name your top three from being in this room?

Binie: Definitely number one is releasing the pressure, right, the pressure of the goal, the pressure to find clients, the pressure to take all the action. I mentioned this on our most recent mastermind call, but really shifting from being in a constant marathon to this is my end goal for the month, to really viewing my business as more of like a scenic hike where I’m enjoying the entire process.

And I just believe that of course I’m going to reach my goals, of course my business is going to be successful. But the point of it is the entire journey. It’s who I’m being, it’s who I’m helping, it’s how I’m living my life. That has definitely been like probably the biggest shift, releasing the pressure.

And number two would be working less. My business and the life that I want doesn’t come about through more energy, but I can create so much more by just being the person that I want to be, by providing value, and that’s how I get further. That would definitely be number two.

The third transformation that I had from this mastermind is allowing myself to show up however I am. If I’m sick, it’s not a problem. If I’m having a day where I feel a little more down, not a problem. It doesn’t mean anything about me. It doesn’t mean anything about the coach that I am. It doesn’t mean anything about the mother that I am, the wife that I am.

I can still do incredible things and live the life that I want while I’m sick, while I’m having a baby. These circumstances don’t have to mean anything about us if we don’t make it mean that thing. So that’s been really huge for me.

Lindsey: So freaking good, I love it. So what would you say to somebody who’s listening right now and maybe was in a similar position to you when you first heard about the mastermind? And they’re kind of toying around, it was your first mastermind investment, $5,000, right? What would you say to them if they’re on the fence and they’re kind of where you were at when you found this room?

Binie: I would say, first off, of course do it. But seriously, it’s just about really thinking about what results you want to create in this mastermind, and just deciding that you’re going to get what you came for, and really thinking about it for yourself.

Because, like I said, I knew that when I looked at the timeline of the mastermind there was a tiny voice inside my head, my husband, definitely when I was telling him about it. He was like, “Oh, why are you going now? You’re going to miss two months, is she going to refund you that? Or are you going to get two months in the next one?” And I was like, “No, obviously not. But it’s obviously still worth it.”

So it’s just really about deciding that you’re going to get what you came for here, knowing what your goals are, and just believing that this is the room that you want to do it in. And if you believe before you get started, of course, you’re going to create it. So it’s really a no brainer.

And there’s just so many perks in the mastermind like the workbook, which was just gold. It helps to clarify everything so that you can really get to the meat of the coaching. And the room, just being coached by Lindsey, who has a genius brain and is so sweet. And all the other ladies that are in the room just really challenging you and supporting you. Every part of the mastermind is incredible and such a steal for $5,000. So you can’t go wrong, you have to do it.

Lindsey: So good, I love it. And also one of the things that we teach, when you enroll you get six videos leading up to the start of the mastermind to help you create the $5,000 of value before we ever even hit the ground running. Before you ever even get a single piece of coaching and the workbook and start going through that process.

So that’s just the start and, Binie, before we jumped on she shared like she went all in on that. And that is why she’s created the 25K in the past three months and will only continue to create more.

Binie: Yeah, those videos were really incredible because it helped me get into focus and get into gear and realize this is what I’m going to create. This is how I’m going to take it seriously. This is how I’m going to get these results regardless of if I show up to every call or not.

And like I said before, besides for going on maternity leave I’ve had to miss some calls for being sick. But it doesn’t even matter because I know based on that pre-work, I’m getting what I came for and the medium doesn’t matter because once you decide, you’ll make sure to get it. So yeah, those videos were so great.

Lindsey: So good. Well, thank you so much, Binie, for coming on and being such an example of what’s possible. I am just completely mind blown by the fact that you are about to go on maternity leave, you’ve already created five times the investment that you’ve made, and who you become and how that’s translated to your clients. So I just want to celebrate you and thank you for being here and I just can’t wait to see what’s next.

Binie: Thank you so much for having me here and for everything.

Lindsey: Oh and really quick, how do people connect with you? I forgot to ask.

Binie: People can connect with me on Instagram, on Facebook, on my website. Everything is just my name, Binie Klein, I guess you’ll see the spelling in the show notes. But Instagram, Facebook, or my website, binieklein.com. And it’s Binie Klein everywhere.

Lindsey: Perfect and if you want to apply for the mastermind, go to lindseymangocoaching.com/A, B as in boy, A coach and we will see you on the inside. Talk to you guys soon, Bye.

If you’re ready to take this work deeper and create your own coaching business, join us in Anything But Average where I will walk you through the step by step process to become a coach, start your coaching business, and start signing clients. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/anythingbutaverage and I will see you on the inside.

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