
Ep #82: Little Wins

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There’s one thing that perpetually keeps my students stuck, whether they’re just starting their coaching business or they’re creating new levels of success in my mastermind. And this gap in mindset all boils down to counting their little wins. 

I see so many people only acknowledging the things they deem worthy of celebration. What I hear is, “Well, I’ve started my coaching business but I need to make 100K. I’ve transformed my life, but I still don’t have the fancy lifestyle that I want.” But this week, I’m selling you on the fact that starting your coaching business and transforming your life are huge wins. 

Listen in this week as I lay out the 4 reasons why not celebrating your little wins is so detrimental. I’m showing you why we so often don’t want to celebrate our little wins, the outward effect this has on your clients and your ability to help them, and how the road to your big wins is paved with little wins. 

We will be closing Anything but Average for enrollment on November 8th and it will not reopen again until next year. So if you want to become a great coach, launch your coaching business and start signing clients before 2022, now is the time to join. Either click here to sign up, or join us every Tuesday until November 8th for some Q&A sessions all about the program and becoming a coach.  

The next round of the Anything but Average Coach Mastermind opens on February 23rd for the spring of 2022 class! If you missed out on this current round, make sure to mark your calendars so you don’t miss out!

What You'll Learn on this Episode

  • What matters most when you’re in the process of starting your coaching business. 
  • 4 reasons why not celebrating your little wins is so detrimental. 
  • All you truly need to create massive transformations in your life. 
  • Why we don’t see the need to celebrate our little wins. 
  • How you’re holding your clients back from their own transformations when you don’t see your little wins. 

Featured on the Show

  • If you are ready to take this work deeper and make your dream coaching business a reality, join my Anything but Average program.
  • Join me on Instagram and tag me in all your Anything but Average aha! moments!

Click to Read Episode Transcript

Hey guys, before we jump into today’s episode, I have a big announcement about my program Anything But Average. Up until now you’ve been able to enroll in this program at any time. We are now closing Anything But Average for enrollment on November 8th and it will not reopen again until next year.

So if you want to become a great coach, launch your coaching business and start signing clients before 2022, now is the time to join. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/anythingbutaverage.

Now, if you are on the fence, if you have questions, if you are curious about coaching, you have questions about starting a coaching business or have specific questions about Anything But Average, up until Anything But Average closes on November 8th I want to give you the opportunity to ask me those questions.

So we are doing an exclusive event called Coaching Q&A every Tuesday until November 8th where you can ask me these questions. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/q&a or go to the link in the show notes to join us. All right, let’s jump into today’s episode.

Welcome to the Anything But Average podcast where I will teach you how to create a coaching business one step at a time. I’m Lindsey Mango, a life coach passionate about helping you create the life of your wildest dreams by creating a coaching business. Let’s get started.

Hello, and welcome back to another week and another episode of Anything But Average. Guys, how are you? I cannot believe it is the end of October. What? I am officially halfway through my pregnancy. I feel like time is flying by, but I’ve also heard once you get closer to the end, it feels like it is like a snail because you’re uncomfortable and you’re ready to be done.

But so far, I have to say I’m feeling really great. And it’s so crazy, it feels like I had no bump and then it’s like I woke up with a bump and it just keeps getting bigger and it’s been so fun.

Anyway, before we jump into today’s episode, I wanted to read a message that I got from a student in Anything But Average. The reason why I wanted to share this message is because so often we hear testimonials, we hear results, we hear stories, you guys hear my journey and we think we are unique.

We think, “Yeah, but I’m not her,” or, “I have a unique situation.” And yes, while all of you guys are unique and have your own situations and own background and all of the things, I like to share results from different perspectives so you can see that this process works. That Anything But Average works for people from all walks of life, with all backgrounds, coming from so many different things.

We have counselors, we have psychologists, we have people who don’t have college degrees, we have hairstylists. We have all walks of life. We have people who have made lots of money in their jobs, who have made bare minimum. We have moms who have lots of kids, we have single moms, we have people out of college.

This process works and thinking you are unique and thinking your circumstance is unique and it can’t happen for you, is just a story that you’re telling yourself that’s keeping you from going after what you really want.

So the reason why I wanted to share this story is because this student messaged me two months ago and was telling me how hard it was for her to believe that it was possible for her to even have a coaching business that made money because her life experience and her background.

She had some really tough challenges and she struggled with depression. And so her brain is and was naturally wired to go to the negative, to go to the worst case scenario, to go to how she isn’t good enough. And she messaged me concerned like, “Is this actually possible for me? I’m here, I’m doing the work, but I just see my brain going back to these old patterns.”

And I really leaned into her, I showed her we have mastermind students who have struggled with depression and really tough upbringings and created massive success. And so she leaned on that, she leaned on the coaching. And over two months she showed up, she did the work, she applied what I taught her in the process. And she always asked for coaching when she needed it.

And she messaged me the other day, and this is what she said, “I have to take a moment and just tell you, thank you. Not like, hey, thanks for putting this together. But freaking thank you. For the longest time I wanted to be a coach but I didn’t know how to do that. I signed up for another program and they promised to show us to sign clients and how to teach them. But during this program I kept thinking this is so lame, there has to be more.

Through different avenues I stumbled across your program. With your program coaching example as well as other factors, I finally feel I have found the program I was looking for. I finally feel prepared, confident to take on questions, clients, and the challenges that come with it. I still don’t have a paid client yet. But I’m so okay with that. I’ve created more room for gratitude, peace, confidence, and so much more.

My relationship with my husband has been changed for the better. I used to say to him, well, I can’t be happy until you do X, Y, Z. It makes me cringe to think about. My children have a happier, less stressed mom who is willing to lay a solid foundation for them so they can be successful. My life has been truly changed because of your program. So thank you for waking up every day and pushing through the challenges and asking the questions.”

Sorry, I’m going to get a little emotional. “And most importantly, in believing in us. I’m sitting here crying, because I’m so overwhelmed with the peace and the success that I already feel. I know my success is inevitable. And I cannot wait to share with you the many more successes I will have.”

So good. And I’m so excited to tell you guys she actually posted in the group this week, like a week after she sent this message, that she just signed her first paying client. And that is just two months of doing this work starting at a place where she’s like, “I don’t know, if I can believe that anything else is possible. I don’t know if I can believe anything new about myself and what I can create.” And this is who she’s already become.

This is a true example of what Anything But Average is all about, is teaching you how to create your own transformation. That’s how you build the chops, the belief, the confidence to go out and help and coach other people do the same thing. So freaking cool.

All right, so what we’re going to talk about today is little wins. The other day, I was coaching a student in Anything But Average. And when you enroll, you get lifetime weekly live coaching with me in the group. And I realized there’s a gap that shows up for almost every student when it comes to starting their coaching business. Or even for students who are creating new levels of success. Like even for my mastermind students. And that comes back to counting little wins. Here’s what I mean by that.

What I see is so many, most of us, only count big wins and the things that we deem as worthy of celebration. So, for example, we don’t get that excited thinking about starting our coaching business. We’re like, “Yeah, that’s cool. But we need to make 100K. That’s not good enough.”

Or “Yeah, I’ve definitely transformed myself and see such a transformation. But I don’t have the big house or the fancy things or the fancy life. My transformation isn’t good enough yet. I don’t have a big enough celebration or a big enough win to count it.” Or “I haven’t hit 200K yet. So it’s not that impressive. It’s just not good enough.”

And what I’ve realized is what actually matters in starting your coaching business, helping your clients very effectively. And continuing to create new levels of success isn’t counting the big wins, it’s counting the little wins. If you want to be able to count the big wins, if you want to hit six figures, multiple six figures, millions of dollars, you have to count the little wins. That’s the only way you get there.

Now, today what I wanted to talk about is why this is so detrimental. The four reasons. I sat down and really thought about this, like why is this so detrimental? Why does this hold so many people back? So that you can see it, make the shift, and get out there and start your coaching business, sign clients, and continue to create new levels of success. Because when you have a coaching business that’s successful, you can create the life you really want.

So the first reason why this is so detrimental, only counting big wins, not paying attention to little wins and little celebrations along the way, is because it takes away from your ability to feel confident to get started. In order to start your coaching business you have to believe that you have something valuable to offer. You have to believe that you can really help other people change their life.

In Anything But Average I teach you how to develop that skill set, as a coach, to become a coach and feel confident to get started by changing your own life and creating results in your life first. I call it getting a PhD in your own results. Then you feel confident to go out and help other people.

Now, when it comes to creating those results, this isn’t about waking up in one month and all of a sudden making tons of money, and having a bigger house, and the perfect marriage, and the perfect health. It’s about making transformations. It’s about making small shifts and realizing new things about the way you think. And that you can choose another perspective. That is all you need to start helping people.

When I started helping people through this exact same process I had the exact same job, I had the exact same body, I had the exact same relationship, financial world. I hadn’t had this glorious life transformation yet that you guys get to watch now.

But what I changed was my perspective about my life. The fact that I felt more empowered than I’d ever felt. The fact that I realized that I could choose the perspective that I had and the thoughts that I had and feel completely different about my relationship, my body, my job, everything. That blew my mind.

A lot of you guys might consider that a little win. But what I’m arguing with you today or selling you on is that the little wins are the big wins. That blew my mind. And because it blew my mind I was like, “Holy shit, other people need this.”

And I knew I could help them because I had done it myself. And I knew it was so profound and it would impact them. And I didn’t believe it was not a big enough result, it wasn’t a big enough transformation. I believed it was the most important transformation. And so I felt confident and I went out and I started signing clients.

That’s how I replaced my corporate salary in the first six months. And this is honestly the biggest transformation you can offer your clients. In order for them to create big wins and big changes, they can’t continue to blame their life circumstances for why they don’t feel the way they feel. Otherwise, they just do that no matter what result they get. It starts with changing that perspective.

So in order for you to feel confident to start your coaching business and believe you have something to offer, you have to see the transformation in your own life. And they’re not little wins, they’re big wins. They’re giant transformations. But it’s about you deciding that they are. It’s about you really seeing how profound and big these transformations are. And when you do that, you’ll feel confident to go out and help people.

This is literally what I spend a lot of time coaching the students in ABA on as they’re changing their own life and developing their skills as a coach and building the confidence that they have something to offer people, is constantly focusing on what they do have to offer. Focusing on the transformations they have made. This is why so many of them start in the first 30 days.

It isn’t because all of a sudden, they’ve just become this genius. It’s because they start to recognize that these little shifts, these little transformations are more than enough to go out and help people. And that’s why the shift happens so fast.

Especially when I’ve had students who have wanted to start for years or a year and have been stuck in that cycle. Again, they didn’t wake up with a different marriage and more money and all that stuff. They learned how to change their own life from the inside out and to count these little wins as big wins.

The second reason this is so detrimental, not counting those small wins and never thinking it’s good enough, is because if you don’t think the results you’ve created in your current life are profound and amazing, you will also not sign clients.

Think about it like this, when you don’t think the transformation you’ve had and what you have to offer and how coaching has impacted your life isn’t that big of a deal. And then you go out and you’re trying to tell people, “Hire a coach. Hire me, I can help you change your life.”

But in the back of your mind you’re thinking, “Well, I haven’t really, like my transformation hasn’t been that great. And if they make the same changes, then not much is going to change in their life.” You’re not going to talk very powerfully or confidently about coaching.

They’re not going to be sold because whatever objection they give you in the back of your mind, you’re going to believe what they’re saying. You’re going to be like, “Well, why would you spend that amount of money for the small transformation?” If you’re not believing that those little wins are big wins.

So when you skip over that, when you don’t celebrate those little wins, you will not sign clients and then you will continue to feel stuck in the same spot. Then you’ll start to use that as evidence against yourself that you don’t have big enough results. You haven’t signed enough clients yet to go out and help people.

The third reason this is so detrimental is that it holds you back from signing more clients. So this is more focused on the people who have started their coaching business. Maybe you’ve signed your first couple clients or maybe you’ve signed your first 10. I see this happen a lot in this plateau phase where people start to sign some clients and then they hit this plateau and they get stuck.

It’s because they start to believe that their current results, at one point they were like, “Wow, this is really amazing.” But then they get to a place where they’re like, “This isn’t good enough. I should be signing more clients. I should have better results. My life should be sexier.” And they start to drop into what I call insufficiency.

So they feel like it’s not good enough, essentially is what insufficiency is. And then they go out and they try to make offers and sell coaching, same concept is number two, from this place of this isn’t good enough. Now, based on if you listen to this podcast at all, if you know anything about coaching, the thoughts you have impact the results you create.

So if you’re thinking, “My results aren’t good enough,” and you’re feeling lack and you’re feeling insufficient and you take action from there, the result you’re going to create is that your results aren’t good enough. You’re going to keep creating less results. You’re going to create more lack, not more of what you want.

In order to create more of what you want, you have to continue to count those little wins. And again, I’m going to argue with all of you that they aren’t little wins, they’re actually big wins. But if you notice yourself thinking wherever you are isn’t good enough, you’re not deeply– I don’t mean like, “Meh, Lindsey told me to celebrate, I’m going to just write it down this Friday.”

I mean, like deeply feel it in your body you actually are like, “Wow, this is amazing.” And that’s work you have to do. And that’s something we do in ABA to set your perspective to see it that way. Then you will not create more of what you want, you will create less of what you want. You will create less clients, you will hit that plateau.

The last reason why not counting the little wins is so detrimental is that when you don’t believe little wins are enough, you will attract clients who also believe that little wins aren’t enough. So they will get on coaching calls constantly thinking their results aren’t good enough, their results aren’t happening fast enough. And do you know why? Because you believe them. Because you don’t count the little wins and you’re also not pointing out the little wins to them.

Then what happens is you create more evidence my coaching isn’t good enough, they’re not getting big enough results. And then the cycle continues and you spiral out. The way to help your clients create big results is to start by counting the small results.

The little bit of awareness they gained this week by recognizing like, “Oh, I don’t feel this way because of my boyfriend. I feel this way because I’m having the thought, he doesn’t love me. Oh, I realized I could actually love my job instead of hate it because it feeds my family and I really deeply appreciate it.” That’s how you create the big wins.

This is truly why my life changed so fast, is I counted these little wins the entire time. And then I quit my job, in six months I created more and more of what I wanted because I was celebrating what I had. And the results became exponential. This is what you have to be able to do for your clients. And of course, that always starts with you counting your little wins.

So, if you want to start a coaching business, if you’re like in that phase, you want to become a coach. First you have to start with changing your own life and creating your own transformation and counting every single win you get. Every single transformation.

When you do that and you really start to see the profound effect and transformations coaching is offering you, you will feel ready and confident to go out and help other people.

If you’ve started but you’re not signing clients, where are you not counting your little wins? Where are you not seeing that coaching has changed your life and that people want and need it and instead focusing on how you don’t have enough clients yet, and so on, right?

So what I want you guys to really remember and write down from this episode is that little wins are big wins. Your only job as a coach, and just as a human to create a better life and to create big wins is to count every single little win. That’s what will get you there.

All those little wins will add up to big wins. That’s how you change your life. That’s how you change your client’s lives. That’s how you start your coaching business. And that’s how you continue to create more and more clients, help more people, and make more and more money. The little wins are the big wins.

I love you guys and I will talk to you next week. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/anythingbutaverage to join us to learn how to become a great coach, start your coaching business, launch your business and start signing clients. I will talk to you next week. Bye.

If you’re ready to take this work deeper and create your own coaching business, join us in Anything But Average where I will walk you through the step by step process to become a coach, start your coaching business, and start signing clients. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/anythingbutaverage and I will see you on the inside.

I love hearing from you!

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