
Ep #99: The Mastermind

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If you’re in the early stages of your business, dreaming about taking your coaching business full-time and becoming a 100K or even 250K coach, listen in this week. The next round of the Anything but Average Coach Mastermind is opening up in just a few days, and I’m devoting this episode to telling you all about it. 

There’s no beating around the bush. You need to be in this room. That life and business you dream of; the one where you get to experience the kind of freedom you’ve always only been able to imagine, while at the same time having all the clients and money you want is 100% possible. And it’s all waiting for you inside the Mastermind. 

Join me on the podcast to discover how the ABA Coach Mastermind process is what you need to completely transform your life and business. You’ll learn why this room kickstarts powerful decision-making and the results you want, and how it helps you solve the problems you might be seeing in your business right now. 

The Anything but Average doors are currently closed. But for exclusive sneak peeks of the portal, the program, and the community, click here to join the waitlist!

The next round of the Anything but Average Coach Mastermind opens on February 23rd for the spring of 2022 class! There are only 20 spots available and applications close on March 6th at 11:59 Eastern time, so jump on it! 

What You'll Learn on this Episode

  • The 3 biggest shifts that will happen when you decide to join the ABA Coach Mastermind.
  • What you’ll learn in the Mastermind, and how that will translate in your business. 
  • The problems the ABA Coach Mastermind will solve in your business. 
  • How to build a business that allows you to live the life you want.
  • What the ABA Coach Mastermind process looks like. 
  • The workbooks and concepts you’ll take a deep dive into inside the Mastermind. 
  • How the ABA Coach Mastermind has transformed the lives and businesses of my clients.
  • The biggest reasons you’re plateauing in your business. 

Featured on the Show

  • If you are ready to take this work deeper and make your dream coaching business a reality, join my Anything but Average program.
  • Join me on Instagram and tag me in all your Anything but Average aha! moments!

Click to Read Episode Transcript

Welcome to the Anything But Average podcast where I will teach you how to create a coaching business one step at a time. I’m Lindsey Mango, a life coach passionate about helping you create the life of your wildest dreams by creating a coaching business. Let’s get started.

Hello, and welcome back to another week and another episode of Anything But Average. Guys, how are you? I hope you’re having a great week. I feel like I say this on every episode, but how on earth is it already mid-February? My mind is blown. Crazy.

Anyway, I wanted to take today’s episode and devote it entirely to talk about the Anything But Average Coach Mastermind. Now a couple things, if you heard this and you thought, “Oh, I’m going to skip today’s episode,” I’ll offer you this. One, if you’re thinking, “Oh, that’s not for me, I’m not even close to ready,” there’s so much growth available for you to listen to this episode. To see what’s available for you in this mastermind and see the growth that has to happen for you to put yourself in this room.

Second, if you’re just thinking it’s not for you, I guarantee it is. Here’s what I’ll offer you guys, if you’re not in this room and you want to create your coaching business to full-time, then to $100,000, then to $250,000. And you want to build your business in a way that allows you to live your life the way you really want, you have to put yourself in this room.

And that either means applying for this round, or setting it as a goal for yourself to be in the next round of this mastermind. And I know for all of you listening, that’s why you’re here. That’s why you’re listening to this podcast.

So today, what we’re going to talk about is the three biggest shifts that will happen when you decide to put yourself in this room. And we’re going to go in depth on the process. So what you’re going to learn in this mastermind and what that’s going to translate to in your business. And what problems it’s going to solve in your business so that you can create the anything but average coaching business that you want.

A couple of things before we jump in, applications open on February 23rd and close on March 6th at 11:59pm Eastern Time. For the application process, if you want to start preparing ahead of time, it’s pretty simple. The most involved part of it is a two to three minute video that you will upload talking about why you should be selected as one of the 20 women for this room.

So if you want to start preparing now, you can film your video and as soon as it opens February 23rd you can submit your application. I already mentioned this, but there’s 20 spots. And the requirements in order to apply for this mastermind is to sign a minimum of three clients or have made $5,000 in the last six months of your coaching business.

Acceptance emails will be going out March 7th in the morning. And it’s a $5,000 investment that will be due March 7th at 11:59pm. So those are all the details. So let’s jump in.

There are three main things that will shift when you decide to put yourself in this room. The first thing is that it will change the way you see yourself. Because this room is about becoming a future leader in this industry. It’s about being the full-time coach, the 100K coach, the 250K coach that you imagine yourself being.

And the minute you decide to put yourself in the room, you are deciding that that’s who you’re going to become and that’s what you’re going to create. It also commits you to this. So for those of you who hear this and think, I’m not going to be able to create my full-time, 100K, 250K business with the life that I want, or I find that already a struggle. The minute you decide to join this room is you committing to learning how to build your business in a way that supports the life that you really want.

And here’s what I’ll tell you, when you are a coach, one of your biggest opportunities is to show up as the example for your clients and for your future clients. And being an example of what’s possible is showing them a different way to live life. Whether, I mean, we don’t even have a lot of business coaches in there, we have some. But whatever it is that you’re doing, your job is to always show people what’s possible.

The best way to show people what’s possible is to build your business in a way that nobody else is building it. Meaning creating lots of impact, signing lots of clients, making lots of money, while living the life that you really want. Not sacrificing the life that you really want.

So the minute you decide to be in this room, you decide you are going to become a leader in this industry. You’re going to be the example of what’s possible for your clients and you are committed to learning how to grow your business in this way.

The second thing you do is you give yourself access to the exact process that you will need to create the life and coaching business you want simultaneously. So one of the biggest philosophies of this room is that we don’t choose between life or business.

When you are signing clients and creating income simply and easily, it fuels forward the freedom and the lifestyle that you really want. When you are living the life that you really want, you are being an example of what’s possible and you attract more clients, they feed into each other.

You didn’t come here to start a coaching business to sacrifice your life in the process. You came to build a coaching business so that you could live the life that you want. In order to do that, it’s not about hitting a specific goal, and then you live your life the way that you want. It’s about learning how to do it the entire process.

And that’s what the Anything But Average Coach Mastermind process is all about. This is the process that has created over $1.5 million in my business, giving me the freedom to live my life the way that I want working three to four days a week. And it’s the exact process that has helped all of the clients in this mastermind create hundreds of thousands of dollars, while creating the life that they really want. So when you join, you give yourself access to that process and the exact path to it.

The third thing you do when you decide to put yourself in this room is you decide to surround yourself by brilliant, amazing coaches just like you who are doing this work. Who will be using their skills and their coaching to help you hit your goals. Who are offering their perspective to help you and coach you as you continue to grow.

When you join this room, you join a group of people who are as invested in you hitting your goal as they are their own. Who will celebrate you fully. Who will show you what’s possible in new and different ways. Because we have many members who have done multiple rounds who have used this process over and over and over again. And are now really creating compound effects that might bring something into your awareness of how your coaching business can run and how you can run your life that you never thought was possible.

The compound effect of being in a room with other coaches who are working through this process and creating the same type of life and business that you want to create and that you’re creating is it elevates the awareness you have for what things need to change. One of the biggest reasons why people don’t change at the rate that they could is they’re not even aware of the shifts that they have to make in order to create the results that they want.

When you’re surrounded by 20 other coaches who are implementing this process, learning, growing, applying, bringing their growth to the group and to the community, you are going to be offered awareness of things that you didn’t even know were gaps that you need to close. So it’s not just your own brain that you’re getting access to that you’re learning to grow and evolve.

You’re also getting access to the brains of every single person in the room and what their growth is, and bringing awareness to the things and gaps that you need to close in order to create the results that you want. That creates exponentially faster results because instead of spending six months or a year not even knowing something that’s holding you back, someone in this room is going to show you what’s holding you back indirectly.

They’re not calling you out, but they’re going to bring their own coaching. And you’re going to see where you have that same gap and you have to close it. Also, I was just coaching someone today and they were talking about how they want to celebrate their successes – Not in the mastermind, we we’re talking about this in Anything But Average. They want to celebrate their successes, but they don’t feel like they’re surrounded by people who are available to celebrate their successes.

And it’s such a huge component of continuing to create better and better results, is really fully being available to celebrate the progress you’re making. And when you put yourself in this room, you put yourself in a room of 20 other people who are fully there to celebrate your progress, to witness your growth, to be there for it all.

So those are the three biggest things. One, when you put yourself in this room you commit yourself to becoming the leader that you’re asking to become, and to create the life and business that you really want instead of sacrificing one for the other. Second, you give yourself access to the exact process that you need to get there. Third, you give yourself access to the support and the community that’s going to help you go to the next level.

Now, here’s the actual process you’re going to learn in the mastermind. When you enroll in the mastermind you will get a workbook. In the first two months you make decisions for your business following this process so that you lay the foundation you need, and then you spend the rest of the mastermind executing those decisions.

The workbook walks you through the process of how to make these decisions in a way that will set you up to create the life and business you want. What most people do is they spend a lot of time in their business changing decisions, getting confused about their decisions, and might spend the next six months to a year going back and forth on the decisions they’re making. Or they might not create the result right off the bat, so then they start adding and piling more and more and more actions on.

Not in this room. This process and this workbook is built so that you make the best decisions for you and your business at the start. You commit to the actions you’re going to take ahead of time. And then we spend the mastermind coaching on who you need to be and how you need to approach these decisions to create results with those decisions and with those actions. Instead of constantly changing all of those decisions, which never gives you an opportunity to really learn and grow and become who you need to, to create the results that you want.

I was actually thinking about this the other day, that it’s almost like a science experiment. If you remember, it sounds crazy, but if you remember back in high school or grade school or whatever, when you did a science experiment, you only changed one variable and you kept all the other variables the same.

And because you only changed one variable, you were able to see what the actual difference was and find a conclusion and develop a conclusion in what’s happening with the science experiment. I’m a little rusty on my science examples. But the reason that works is because you’re comparing something that’s very similar except for one small change and so you know exactly what’s causing the change.

This is exactly what we do in this mastermind, is we make powerful decisions, and again, I’ll go through the process on what those decisions look like and what the actual process is in just a second. But we make all of these powerful decisions and then the variable we change is you and how you think and how you approach these decisions. Because that’s going to be what ultimately dictates the result.

Now, if you spend the next six months to a year changing all of the variables over and over and over again, you never give yourself, one, the focus to focus on you and changing what needs to change within you to make those decisions work. You pile on a whole hell of a lot more work, and action, and doing a lot more which takes away from the life that you’re creating.

And what happens is you tend to repeat the same results because you’re taking the same brain, you’re taking the same approach, and you’re changing all of these variables, and you still end up creating the same outcomes. So in this mastermind, we do things simply. We make powerful decisions, the right decisions and the best decisions for you and your business to get the results that you want.

We make decisions about the actions you’re going to take, and then we coach on who you need to be to create those results. I will tell you that that can be a very tough thing. Your inclination is going to be to want to change everything over and over again. But it’s going to create a lot more work for you, it’s going to keep you from the growth that is necessary to create the life and coaching business you want.

So again, this process that I walk you through is about setting you up for the life and coaching business you want and then coaching so that you can guarantee your outcome with these decisions.

So here are the specific things and processes you’re going to learn in the mastermind and in the workbook. One of the first processes you’ll learn is called inevitable success. I’ve talked about this before on my podcast, but in the mastermind you will go deep into this concept.

Because here’s the thing, when you don’t believe in your inevitable success, the problem you face over and over in your business is you feel frantic, you feel urgent. You feel like every failure is getting you further and further from success. And that impacts how you show up to your business, how you will show up to the mastermind, and how you will show up in your life.

We’re not here to create frantic businesses. That’s not how you create an anything but average coaching business and life. The solution is learning how to be calm, certain, and consistent in your business. This is going to help you create better outcomes in your business, sign more clients, make more money while living your life the way that you want.

In the process of inevitable success in the workbook you will learn how to believe that your success is inevitable wholeheartedly. Which will help you approach the entire mastermind from a calm and certain state. And when you do that, you’re going to be able to implement things at a higher level and learn at a higher level, which is going to help you create better and better results and bring you closer and closer to your goal.

Simply speaking, if you don’t believe that your success is going to be inevitable, that you’re going to create the full-time coaching business, the 100K business, the 250K business, every single evidence, every single result you create is going to be evidence supporting the idea that you’re never going to get there.

And the more you feel like you’re never going to get there, the further you get from the result you’re creating and then the more panicked you feel, the more your business starts to take away from you life because you’re just pouring all of your energy into it to make up for this. Versus when you’re in inevitable success, when you know you’re going to create the result that you want, every single thing is evidence that supports the idea you’re getting closer and closer to that success.

My client, Whitney, this is one of her favorite concepts, she was telling me, that she’s learned. And it took her from creating $18,000 in one year in coaching to hitting her six-figure year in coaching. Coming back to this process and this concept of knowing her success is inevitable kept her grounded, and learning, and applying things at a high level, which helped her get better and better results.

The next part of the process we focus on is your offer. Whether that’s deciding on the one offer you’re going to focus on for the six months, or fine tuning the offer that you have. So what a lot of people do is they get stuck choosing the offer they think people will buy so they shorten it. And they’re not actually offering the best offer that they know will help their clients get results.

Or they find themselves changing their offer over and over and over again, because they think the reason why their offer isn’t selling is because something’s wrong with the offer. This complicates their business. It causes you to change your decisions over and over again, instead of deciding on the best offer for your best clients, committing to it, and learning how to sell that offer really well.

So instead of choosing the offer you think people will buy, instead of changing your offer and making adjustments and adding things over and over again, the solution is to decide on the best offer for your clients and learn how to sell that offer really well. The process I walk you through is called client first offers.

This process in the workbook walks you through how to make decisions about your offer for your best clients. Whether that’s they need six months instead of three, it needs to be this investment, $5,000 instead of $3,000. Making that decision and then learning how to sell that offer to the best clients.

When you do that you make more money, you create better results for your clients, your business is simpler, and you focus on the one thing that matters when it comes to signing clients with your offer, you. The common denominator that will create success or not with your offer isn’t the offer, it’s you and your approach to selling the offer. And that’s what we work on in the workbook in this process.

One of my clients, Laura, when she first came to the mastermind she was only offering three months. And when she went through this process, she realized the best fit for her for her clients was a six month package. That that would actually be the offer that she knew she could get them the results that she wanted to help get them.

By doing that the investment increased, which was also the best decision for her clients. And instead of going out and changing her offer when somebody said no, she was committed to this offer from the beginning and over the next six months learned how to sign clients with that offer, which helped her replace her nursing salary.

The next process you’ll walk through is the belief plan. The biggest thing I see with coaches when they’re working on building their business to full-time, to six figures, to 250K is that they’re not signing clients the way they’re capable of because they’re just piling on more actions. And they’re not addressing the one thing that is actually keeping them from signing clients, which is their belief.

When you add more and more action on to your business, the only way you know how to grow your business is by doing more and it takes away from the life you’re creating. The solution is to learn how to sign clients simply.

And in order to do that you have to follow the process of the belief plan where you build belief in your offer being the best offer for your clients. Where you build the belief that you’re the best coach for them. And where you build the belief in your people and their ability to invest, and buy, and want what you have to offer.

When you go through the belief plan process in the workbook, the result you create is that people will buy from simple actions. I used this example the other day, that just because you take 10 more actions, if you still have the same belief in your offer, yourself, and in your clients behind it, you will only create the same results. It doesn’t matter how many actions you take, if that doesn’t change, you’re not going to get better outcomes.

What this process teaches my mastermind clients is how to take one simple action and sign more clients from it. Because think about it like this, when you know that the thing that you’re offering is going to get your clients results, that there’s no better coach out there than you for your best people. And when you believe that your best people want what you have to offer, they want to throw their money at you, they are totally on board. Think about how differently you show up and make offers.

Versus what most people do is they have doubt in their offer, they’re not sure it’s going to help their clients get results. They’re comparing themselves or they think other coaches might be better. Or they have thoughts about their potential clients, like they don’t want this, they don’t need this. That creates a very different action.

You spend your time convincing them, convincing yourself that your offer is good and trying to sell them. Instead of showing up with total belief and attracting people who believe that you’re the best coach for them, who believe in what you’re offering and know that they will get results, and who are ready to buy.

One of my mastermind clients, Binie, used this process to go from – She used to go to networking events, and there’s going to be an interview with her, networking events, she used to drive one hour both ways. So two hours going to networking events, talking to people, doing all the IG lives, posting all of the time, thinking about her business all the time, adding, adding, adding more actions. And she wasn’t creating the results.

I mean, she was creating results, she was signing clients but not at the level she could be because she wasn’t addressing the doubt she was having in her offer. When we addressed that, she stopped going to networking events, she stopped having to do IG lives all the time, she stopped having to post all of the time. And she took simple actions and started attracting the best clients for her. And that was all through the belief plan.

The next part of the process that you’ll learn in the workbook is goal setting and how to set the right goal for you over the next six months in your business that will set you up for long-term growth and success. Something I see happen a lot when it comes to setting goals is, one, when someone sets a goal they feel frantic and their life turns into a living hell, which of course is not helping you create the anything but average life that you want.

So then what happens is they either avoid setting them all together, which causes them to avoid their growth. Or they set them and they’re just like running around like a chicken with their head cut off trying to hit them because they don’t set the right goal for their growth. How we solve this is we pick the right goal for your growth.

And what does that mean? That’s what we walk through in the goal setting process. We figure out which goal is going to help you incrementally grow the way you need to to create your result. So for example, a lot of people set their goal from a place of just trying to go as big as possible. And their brain isn’t even close to believing that they’re going to hit it.

What they do is they set themselves up for failure by feeling behind the entire year, by feeling frantic, by piling on more action to try to hit that goal. Instead of setting a goal that’s just out of their reach where they can really incrementally grow themselves to hit it. Where they can grow their belief that they’re going to hit it and feel like they’re actually going to do it instead of feeling so far behind that they spend their year taking action from a place of insufficiency, from a place of it’s never good enough.

Some of you, and this is what the process walks you through, will need to push your goal a little bit further. You’re not setting a goal that’s going to stretch you enough to grow how you need to in order to create the results. So this process walks you through what’s the right goal for your growth.

This is actually what one of my clients, Laura, a different client, this changed her entire business. She was setting $100,000 goals, which that is one of the goals of the mastermind. But really early on when she was making $5,000 a year in her coaching business. And what it set her up to do was to feel so far behind all year. She was working like seven days a week sitting in her office like 10 hours a day just trying to figure out how to hit it.

But every action she took was coming from the place of believing she was behind and it was not ever good enough. Because the original goal she sat was from, I can’t be impressed unless I hit 100K. It’s not good enough unless I hit 100K.

She walked through this process, she actually lowered her goal and she quadrupled, no, more than that, like eight times what she made in the previous year in coaching because she set the goal that was just out of reach that was going to help her grow the way she needed to. Which is what she did, and focus on what she actually needed to instead of going into crazy amount of action to create the result. And she made like 10 times the amount of money she was making before working a quarter of the time.

The reality is, if you set your goal so big that you can’t incrementally grow within yourself to hit it, you set yourself up to just do more and you never become the person who knows how to hit a goal by taking simple action. You only become the person who knows how to hit a goal by grinding and stressing yourself out and making your life a living hell.

So the goal setting process will help you identify what’s the right goal for your growth. And it will actually, even if you lower your goal, and some of you will, and some of you will increase your goal. But it will set you up to grow the way you need to and actually end up helping you create more money even if you do lower the goal.

One of the next processes you go through in the workbook and you learn in the mastermind is creating your self-concept. This process is about deciding who you want to be ahead of time and creating that. Instead of waiting on your results and waiting on evidence to believe what you want about yourself.

So the biggest problem I see with coaches when it comes to creating their full-time business, their 100K business, their 250K business is they’re waiting on their results to believe they’re successful. They’re waiting on their results to believe that they’re a leader in this industry, that what they have to offer is valuable.

And the reality is when you’re showing up waiting on results to prove it, what you do is you create results that prove the opposite. Because you’re not showing up as the person who is a success. You’re not showing up as the person who is a leader. You’re not showing up as the person who believes people are going to run and throw their money at you for what you’re offering. And when you don’t believe those things, you don’t create that result.

So when you wait on results to become who you need to be, you never create the result that will help you create the self-concept you want. And when I say self-concept, I mean what you believe about yourself. So the solution is you have to become who you need to create results ahead of time.

And what you learn in the process is how to decide on your self-concept, like what you want to believe about yourself, what you will believe about yourself when you’re hitting that goal. How to create that ahead of time and truly believe that and show up that way. And that’s what creates the results.

What you get from this is faster results, you will sign more clients, you will make more money, you will feel more confident, and you will have a lot more peace in your life because instead of frantically trying to sign more clients so that you can feel successful, you already feel successful ahead of time. And everything you create from there is going to create more success.

This is one of the biggest concepts that impacted my client, Amanda’s business. She kept thinking when she first joined that she had to wait on clients to believe in how powerful her coaching was. Well imagine how you show up when you’re not believing your coaching is powerful, right? You don’t attract clients and in turn, you have more evidence to support that your coaching isn’t powerful.

She tripled her income applying this concept of deciding and creating her self-concept ahead of time, being that person. And in turn attracting the clients that saw that power and that wanted what she had to offer.

The next piece of the process is the action plan. What I see so many people do when it comes to building their full-time, 100K, 250K business is they sacrifice their life to take actions to get the results. I’ve said this throughout this episode, but if you only know how to sacrifice your life in the process of hitting a result, you never become a person who knows how to hit the result without sacrificing their life.

The solution to this and what you do in the action plan process is you choose and get clear on the life you want to have, what you want that to look like and the actions you’re committed to taking ahead of time so that you can learn how to create results with just those actions. So the process is we decide on your dream life and what you want it to look like.

We decide on the actions that you’re going to take to get the outcome that you want. And we commit to those, that’s how you’re going to execute it over the six months of the mastermind. And then we coach on who you need to become to create that within those parameters.

So when you want to add more action on, we get really clear on are you doing it because you don’t think it’s working versus are you doing it because you want to? That’s a very different reason. This takes a high, high level of restraint, constraint, whatever the word is to focus on the simple actions and decisions you made at the beginning of the mastermind.

But what it does is it pushes you to become who you need, so that you can have both the life and business you want taking those simple actions. Again, like I said earlier, if you know the value of what you’re offering, and you know people want it, and you show up and you write one post that is exactly what they need to hear to buy, you will sign clients from that one post.

If you don’t and you’re showing up believing that what you have to offer isn’t valuable, or doubting yourself, or doubting that people want it and you make 20 posts, and do an IG live, and message 20 people, and, and, and, and do all the things, that action isn’t going to produce the level of result that one simple action could.

That’s what the action plan is about, deciding the life you want ahead of time, deciding the actions you’re going to take, committing to them, and then spending the mastermind becoming who you need to become and approaching your business the way you need to in order to make those decisions work. Instead of changing those decisions and changing those actions.

That’s what one of my clients, Rebecca, in the mastermind implemented. She’s always been taught she had to sacrifice her health for her life. And so at the beginning of the mastermind she decided here’s how I’m going to allocate time for my health and my life, this is non-negotiable. And then these are the non-negotiable things I’m going to do my business.

And by doing that, instead of constantly changing what she was doing and adding more and then sacrificing her health in the process, she had to learn how to make the actions she committed to work. And that’s what she did. She was able to create more money, help more clients, all while having space for herself, her health, and her life.

The next part of the process you learn is marketing, and how to market more effectively, this is also what will make simple actions work better and create bigger results. So one of the biggest problems I see is that a lot of coaches feel like they’re throwing spaghetti at the wall, they’re doing more to make up for marketing that they think isn’t working. And the solution is to learn how to create marketing that says exactly what people need to hear in order to buy.

And that’s what you learn in the marketing part of this process, is how to create marketing that attracts the right people and signs clients so that you don’t have to do more to create clients. And again, the reason why I keep saying we want to do less is because when you’re doing less, when you’re doing the things you enjoy in your business and when they’re working, you have more time and space to continue to live and create the life that you want.

So the result you create when you go through this marketing process and you learn how to market effectively is that you market, like you can make four simple posts a week and sign more clients instead of having to do 50,000 actions and not sign as many clients.

This is something all of my students, this part of the process, all of the clients in the mastermind love because it helps them understand how they need to market in order to sign more clients, make a bigger impact, and continue to help people. And grow their business without having to do more.

The last piece of the process is the failure plan. I talk about this all the time failure, no matter where you are, is inevitable to getting to the next level of your business. If you’re wanting to go to your full-time coaching business, you’re going to fail on your way there. If you want to create your six figure business, you’re going to fail on your way there. And if you want to create your $250,000 business, you’re going to fail on your way there.

One of the biggest reasons I see people get stuck and plateau in their business is because they’re avoiding failure because of what they make failure mean about them. And so with every failure they feel worse and worse about themselves. They have more doubt in themselves as a coach, they feel like they’re even more of a fraud and so they want to avoid it at all costs. And when they avoid failure, they ultimately avoid success.

Because when you have a neutral relationship with failure, when it doesn’t mean anything, you’re able to show up and learn from it, grow, and then you make the next action you take even better. The faster you do that, the more you do that, the more you learn, the better your results get. So the solution is to learn how to lean into failure. And I’m not just talking about the quotes like you have to learn how to not make failure mean anything, I don’t think that’s the quote people say.

But essentially failure is a part of the process. I mean this part of the process in this mastermind is going to dramatically change the relationship you have with failure. And when you stop avoiding it because you’re not afraid of it because it doesn’t mean anything other than growth, you’re able to figure out what you need to change, change it, and get better and better.

So the failure plan is a process where we get clear on who you need to be when you fail, how to approach the failure, how to evaluate it, how to stop making failure mean anything about you so you can stop avoiding it, lean into it, have it happen, and use it to get to your full-time business, to get to your $100,000 business, to get to your $250,000 business.

One of my clients, Seren, in the mastermind said that one of her biggest takeaways was that she has entirely changed her relationship with failure, that she used to make it mean something about her when she failed and so she avoided it. And by avoiding it she was avoiding the growth that would help her create the results that she wanted.

Changing this, she made $100,000 her first year in her coaching business while having a baby, while taking her baby on 17, I think, or something like that plane rides. And she went through all of these processes, right? But also, she said one of her biggest takeaways was her relationship with failure.

Because she wasn’t afraid of it, she leaned into it so hard that you created more success. And that is going to be a requirement no matter what level you’re at and no matter what result you’re working towards creating. It’s an unavoidable truth and fact of business and of creating the life that you want.

So that’s specifically the processes you’re going to learn and how they’re going to impact your business. The thing about this process is you apply it over and over and over again. Like I said, this is what I apply over and over and over again in my life, in my business to have created $1.5 million in my business while working three to four days a week.

It’s what many of the students who are coming back for multiple rounds, keep applying, and they continue to make more money, help more people, create more success, while creating more of the life that they want. That’s available to you. None of us are special unicorns. We literally just follow this process, support each other, coach ourselves, coach each other hard to stop changing all of the decisions and follow the process and change who we need to be in order to create the results that we want.

That’s how you create an anything but average coaching business. An anything but average coaching business is about creating a business that impacts more people’s lives, creates more income so that you can have more freedom and live your life the way that you really want. Whatever your version of that is, that’s perfect. That’s what we’re going to create.

Whether that’s you want to be home with your kids. Whether that’s you want to travel more. Whether that’s you want to be able to take Friday’s off to have massages, or go to the doctor, or go to the chiropractor. Whether that’s you want to show people what’s possible and impact more people because you want to show people that they don’t have to work and grind themselves into the ground to create what they want.

That’s what we do in this room. That’s what we do in this mastermind. Again, applications open on February 23rd and close on March 6th at 11:59pm Eastern Time. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/ A-B as in boy – A coach for details and to apply. I love you guys and I will talk to you next week. Bye.

If you’re ready to take this work deeper and create your own coaching business, join us in Anything But Average where I will walk you through the step-by-step process to become a coach, start your coaching business, and start signing clients. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/anythingbutaverage and I will see you on the inside.

I love hearing from you!

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