
[SCEO] 100: 100th Episode Celebration & How to Be Consistent

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Guys, we’ve reached 100 episodes here on the podcast! I’m so grateful to all of you who have stayed with me along this journey, and so to express my gratitude, today, I’m sharing my top tips for staying consistent towards your goals.

Consistency is key to creating massive growth and results, and it’s a practice you need to implement into your life to build the momentum that will keep you going. We’re not always going to be motivated to do all the things necessary for our growth, and apart from this podcast, I can’t remember the last time I did something 100 times in a row, every single week, and so I know these tips are going to be super valuable to you too.

Join me this week to celebrate hitting this amazing milestone! My four tips for you today will help you build inner accountability to keep working towards your goal and offer some questions to consider to create the kind of environment you need that will fuel you forward.

I have a program called The Coach Business Academy, which focuses on helping service-based, heart-centered coaches and business owners attract and sign clients in their businesses. This is a program that is going to help you challenge beliefs that aren’t serving you and change them to bring your business to the next level. You also get lifetime access and lifetime support, so what are you waiting for? See you there!

What You'll Learn on this Episode

  • How I stayed accountable for creating an episode every single week.
  • The questions to consider if you want to build accountability that will guarantee your success.
  • Why you have to identify the kind of work style that works for you.
  • Why your ‘why’ is crucial to keep in mind if you want to stay consistent in any goal you have.

Featured on the Show

  • If you are ready to take this work deeper and make your dream business a reality,  join my Mango Magic Business Academy.
  • Or if you don’t have a business and you are ready to bring your dream life to reality and know you are meant for more, my Mango Magic Life School is also available.
  • Join me on Instagram and tag me in all your Soul CEO aha! moments!
  • Don’t forget to grab your free training of my High-Vibe Formula (how I created a multiple six-figure business, attracted the man of my dreams, and created a life with complete time freedom…in less than 18 months)!
  • Digital Freedom Productions

Click to Read Episode Transcript

Hi girl, welcome to Soul CEO; a podcast for women who know they’re destined for more. I’m Lindsey Mango and I’m going to show you that you can have it all and teach you how to get it by becoming the CEO of your soul, life, and business. Let’s get started.

Hello, how are you guys? And welcome back to another episode. We are actually on episode number 100, which is so exciting. 100 weeks of episodes. If you have been with me from the beginning, thank you, I love you so much. I’m so grateful for you. And I’m so grateful that you are courageous enough to spend this time to work on yourself so you can create the life that you really want.

And if you’re new to the show, welcome, I’m so excited you’re here. You have to go back and listen to all the goodness over the last 100 weeks of episodes because there’s been so much magic that has happened and yeah, I’m just blown away. 100 episodes. That blows my mind.

It kind of made me think about – as I was getting ready to hit the record button, it made me think about consistency. This show, I have put an episode out 100 weeks in a row. I was like, when was the last time I’ve done something 100 weeks in a row? Now, I’ll be the first to tell you that it doesn’t mean I recorded every week. I like to record in batches.

But like, I showed up, I did this every single week for 100 weeks, and I just can’t honestly remember the last time I did something that consistently. Like yeah, I show up to workout consistently, but 100 weeks in a row, I don’t know, it kind of blew me away.

So that made me think about my top tips for staying consistent because consistency is so key in creating massive results and growing whatever you guys want to grow, whether it’s a business, whether it’s your health, whether it’s anything, consistency is the thing that helps you continue to build momentum over time and have that momentum 10X itself over and over and over again.

So what has allowed me to stay so consistent over the past 100 weeks? And how can you take that and utilize it so you can stay consistent in marching towards your goals and what you’re working towards creating in this world, or whatever result you’re trying to create in this world?

So here we go. Number one, I recruited help to help me stay consistent. Here’s what I mean by that. I hired a – I have an amazing production team who produces these episodes. And I invest in them to be able to produce and go through all of this content, make it sound perfect for you guys, get it out to you guys week after week with show notes. Thank you so much, you guys.

Pavel is absolutely amazing and his team. But here’s what I want to share with you about this. What has helped me is the fact that when I have skin in the game. I am paying them every single month to get this out to you guys. So that’s something that helps me stay accountable to the fact that hey, I’m investing money and these people are working to do their jobs so we can keep adding value to my audience.

And if they don’t get an episode on time, they’re going to say, “Hey, where’s the episode for this week?” So that was the first thing and I think how you can translate this to yourself and your own world is that while yes, I have to be accountable to that and I believe having internal accountability is really important, what I also did was create a support system around me that I knew would guarantee my success.

I knew if I’m investing all of this money in this and I have somebody who is consistently asking if there’s not podcast episodes in the queue to go out, like hey, where are these episodes? And I know I’m going to show up for that. I know I’m going to do that.

So how can you apply that to your world? How can you create a space around you and accountability around you that will guarantee your success? That will help you feel like okay, even on the weeks I don’t feel like showing up, even on Christmas and when I’m on my honeymoon and when I’m at a wedding and I’m doing all the things, that I am still going to show up for this?

So what does that look like for you? A coach, a trainer, a friend who you know is going to keep showing up, a husband. Make sure – who do you need to go along with you in your journey to guarantee that you are going to stay consistent? And I will tell you guys, investing money for me is something that keeps fueling me forward. I’m like, hey, I want to make good use of this money that I’m investing. So number one.

Number two, I made sure I do it in a way that really works for me. So here’s what I mean by that. I know that I’m not going to want to personally record one podcast episode every single week. I know some weeks are going to be busier than others. And I think that has helped me understand my work style and what works for me and what doesn’t work for me.

And so what I’ve done is I usually batch episodes. So literally, when I’m doing one task, I’m going to execute as many of them as possible. So today I just recorded three. Then I make sure I put on my calendar when I need to start recording the next ones to get them out on time and to get them to my producer on time and all of that.

So how can you apply that to your world? Identify what works for you. It’s okay if you have a specific work style, if something does work for you, if it doesn’t work for you. There’s no right or wrong, there’s no good or bad. It doesn’t matter that I record three podcast episodes at a time and some people record one at a time.

But identify like, what is your personality? What really works for you? And how can you make sure that the things that you’re implementing in staying consistent and reaching your goal that will help you do that? Because I think sometimes we try to be unrealistic about ourselves and our personalities.

And while yes, we can grow and change, but also if we’re unrealistic about our life and how – if you have kids or you have a busy job or any of those things, that that stuff can get in the way. So how can you create a space, a container that really works for you? That’s number two.

Number three, I just kind of mentioned in number two. I schedule it. So every single week, or not every week, but literally I actually have it built into my schedule every week. It’s either content creation or podcasting. And so what I do is once I record a batch, I’ll go in my calendar and I literally put in my little Google thing, it’s yellow, I can see it right now, and I’ll say, need to record three episodes on this day.

That way, I know that when it’s Tuesday, one, I’m not going to forget, but two, and it’s so important to me that I’m not going to forget, but I’m also putting it on the most important thing, the thing that tells me what to do most every day. So I’m putting it on something that’s going to help me remember so that I can stay consistent and so I know where I’m at.

I know if I need to record three episodes this week. What I’ll also do in conjunction with that is I’ll look ahead. So I’m like, oh, I’m traveling in two weeks, I’m also – during the holidays or our wedding, I was like, okay, I’m going to be at our wedding, we’re going to have our honeymoon, I know myself and I’m learning myself – tip number two – and I know I’m not going to want to record podcasts in between our wedding and in between from there to our honeymoon. So I’m going to batch them and I’m going to do more before that. So that is number three.

And then the last tip I want to give you guys is I focus on why this is important to me and the reality is the reason why it’s important to me is because it’s important to you guys. It’s important that I show up for you, it’s important to me that I add value to your lives, it’s important to me that I share my purpose and my mission.

So I think sometimes when it comes to being consistent, we forget about why the hell we started the things that we’re doing in the first place. And if you can remember that, and when I connect back to that on a weekly basis on whenever I’m batching my podcasts, that really motivates me to keep showing up.

And really, it’s not really about me. It’s about you guys. It’s about serving you. It’s about thinking that even if one person gets tons of value from this episode, that means the world to me. If I change one person’s life, even though we’ve got thousands of people downloading this podcast, it’s like, when I think about that, the fact that I’m tired or the fact that I feel like I don’t have time or the fact that it’s late and I don’t usually like to record late in the day or whatever, when I think about that, it’s like, it doesn’t matter because you guys still need it whether it’s a good time or a bad time.

So the fourth thing I want to offer you guys to implement in your own world to stay consistent and that has helped me stay consistent in recording and putting out podcasts for 100 weeks straight is going back to why you started.

And I know that is so cliché and people say that, but when you’re in your 30th day of working out or whatever it is and you are tired and it’s 5am before your job and you don’t feel like getting up, if you can remember and remind yourself that it’s not just about the single moment, it’s about the moments that you’re creating your healthiest body so you can play with your kids, or so you can live a long vivacious life, if you can remember that, there’s no stopping you.

So happy 100 episodes. I love you guys so much. Please share this episode on your Instagram story. Tag me. My handle is @lindseymango_. I cannot freaking wait to see what you create with consistency. And tell me what you think about these four tips. Tell me, if you implement this and you create amazing results, I’d love to hear it. I love you guys. Have a beautiful day and I will talk to you soon. Bye.

Thank you for tuning into today’s episode of Soul CEO. If you are ready to take this work deeper and you want to bring your dream business to a reality, I wanted to make sure that you knew that Mango Magic Business Academy was available to you. Head to lindseymangocoaching.com/mangomagic.

Or if you don’t have a business and you are ready to bring your dream life to a reality and know you are meant for more, my Mango Magic Life School is also available. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/mangomagiclifeschool for all the details. These programs are both life and business changing and you get access and coaching with me to walk through the modules and ask questions and get support to make your dream life or your dream business, or both a reality. I love you. I can’t wait to see you in there.

I love hearing from you!

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