
[SCEO] 93: How to Create Your Dream Life

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As we head into the new year, I know a goal for a lot of you guys is to start creating and living your absolute dream life. I mean, who wouldn’t, right? While this seems broad and can include lots of different processes, I want to start simplifying it for you so that you can start doing this now. 

You might not know what your exact dream life might be in every single area of your life, but I’m posing some really transformative questions to you so that you can start thinking about what might be holding you back from creating it right now. Some of you might already be crushing it in your business, but still aren’t experiencing the kind of freedom you want, so I’m showing you how you can start doing that too. 

Join me this week as we consider how to start 2020 with a bang and create the life you want to be living from here on out. You don’t have to wait until the new year to get started. I want you to start practicing this right now and keep at it to start getting new results. 

If you’re crushing it in your business or career, but you still feel like you aren’t living your life the way you want, you need to come join my Next Level Life mastermind. This is for the high-achieving, successful woman who’s doing all the things, but finds herself putting off actually living her dream life. So if you want to be surrounded by other amazing women, get one-on-one coaching with me, and access to retreats, this is the place to be!

What You'll Learn on this Episode

  • The most transformative question to ask yourself when thinking about your dream life.
  • Why you aren’t living your dream life now.
  • What creates our reality.
  • The process of starting to create your dream life.

Featured on the Show

  • If you are ready to take this work deeper and make your dream business a reality,  join my Mango Magic Business Academy.
  • Or if you don’t have a business and you are ready to bring your dream life to reality and know you are meant for more, my Mango Magic Life School is also available.
  • Join me on Instagram and tag me in all your Soul CEO aha! moments!
  • Don’t forget to grab your free training of my High-Vibe Formula (how I created a multiple six-figure business, attracted the man of my dreams, and created a life with complete time freedom…in less than 18 months)!

Click to Read Episode Transcript

Hi girl, welcome to Soul CEO; a podcast for women who know they’re destined for more. I’m Lindsey Mango and I’m going to show you that you can have it all and teach you how to get it by becoming the CEO of your soul, life, and business. Let’s get started.

Hello, how are you guys? And welcome back to another week and another episode. We are getting so close to the holidays and if you guys are anything like me, I freaking love Christmas time. I have to say, it feels a little weird though because my entire life Christmas time has been like, freezing cold weather, snow, all of the things.

And I look out my window right now and there are palm trees and blue skies and sun. I have to say, it’s a pretty pleasant surprise, but it’s kind of weird because it doesn’t feel like Christmas, even though we have all of the Christmas decor up. So yeah, it’s just been really fun to kind of try to create that environment and that experience without the frigid cold weather.

And if you have the frigid cold weather, enjoy. It’s kind of funny, I just feel like there’s things I miss about it, like curling up inside and having a hot cup of cocoa, even though I didn’t really do that that much. And just kind of like, having an excuse to lay around and be comfy all day.

Anyway, that is not what we’re going to talk about today so do not worry. I’m super excited to share this topic because I think going into 2020, so many of you have the intention to really have the year and create the life that you want. So today we are going to talk about how to actually create the life of your dreams.

Now, I know that seems really broad, but I’m sure a lot of you guys are hearing that right now and you’re like, “Yes, that is what I want.” And here’s the first thing I will say, don’t wait until 2020. Start doing it now. I think that’s such an important piece of it.

But let me dig into what we are going to be covering today. So let’s get started. How do you actually create the life of your dreams? Now, I know that sounds pretty broad. You might not know what that looks like in every single area of your life, and I have so many different processes.

But I was thinking about this and simplifying it for all of you guys because the more complicated it is, the harder it is for us to really grasp it and grow and apply it and actually get results. So how do you actually create the life that you want?

The biggest thing first is to identify what it is that you want. Again, don’t get too caught up in having it exact, but if you were to imagine what you really want your life to look like, what is your day-to-day life like? Really getting clear on that is super important.

Because the biggest question I have for you that is going to help you transform in this moment is right now, when you think about living the life that you really, really want, what thought do you have that kind of holds you back from it?

What I mean by that is you might be thinking a circumstance is blocking you from living your dream life. And part of the work is to maybe eventually create different results so you can either get out of that circumstance or change that circumstance. But right now, the reason you’re not living your dream life isn’t because of a circumstance. It’s because of your perspective about the circumstance.

So answer that question for yourself. What immediately came up when I said like, what’s keeping you from living your dream life right now? And whatever came up, I want you to witness that as like, more of just a thought and a perspective and less of the tangible thing that potentially could be blocking you from doing that.

Because here’s the thing; our process of decision making is what creates our reality. If we want to create a different reality, we have to change our process of decision making. That doesn’t mean changing our circumstances.

Yes, when I first had this amazing vision for my life, my life looked totally different in that vision than it was at the time. But what I realized is if I didn’t learn how to change that process of decision making then, when I was working in a job, when I was in a relationship that wasn’t the guy, when I was in a totally different place, I knew I would just recreate it.

Because if you take the same brain and you put it in a new situation, it will continue to create the same things. And I will tell you guys, some of the things that I didn’t fully heal or things that I kind of have new lessons in now, I see myself creating some of the same things today, even though I have everything I ever wanted in my life.

So this is why it’s so important for you guys because the actual way that you can manifest and create the life of your dreams even faster is by changing that process of decision making. So again, when you think about what’s keeping me from really living and creating my dream life right now, then what I want you to identify is what belief that is attached to.

So for example, let’s just say you’re like, well, I’m at this job and I can’t just have the freedom that I want to have. So what I’m saying, the belief below that is saying that your job kind of comes as a priority over your freedom, or that the belief is you don’t have enough time to exercise your freedom around your job.

So really figuring out what’s at the core of it. Taking it a little bit further. Why is this actually holding me back? And then I want you to take that vision that we just talked about earlier and say what is the belief system that that woman has? Is she like, my freedom is a priority, or I am a priority? Or my dream life is a priority?

What is the process of decision making? Does she wake up and first think, how can I fuel myself before I think about work, before I think about anything? What you’re identifying here is where you are now and where you want to be.

And the work is about bridging that gap. So if you can’t get on board with like, I’m my number one priority, my freedom is my priority, maybe you can get on board with how can I create a little bit more freedom in my life? If freedom was my priority, or if I was my priority, how would I start my day differently?

This is literally why I meet so many powerhouse successful women who have – they could have freedom. They’re crushing it, they’re making tons of money, they’re doing the damn thing, and yet they still don’t feel free because they’re using their exact same process of decision making to apply to their life.

So you have to think like, the reason why someone like that might be still overworked, stressed, whatever, is because their focus is I can’t enjoy my life until my work is done, or my work is my priority. Not me.

So that is what I think is really important for you guys to understand as you’re listening to this is your process of decision making has to change. How do you prioritize yourself, your dream life, the things that you really want, your freedom, all of that differently in your dream life than you do now? And how can you start to apply that same process of decision making to your current world?

So I’ll give you guys another example. One of the big things I saw in my dream life was freedom. So I was showing up, I had to go to a job, I had to do all these things at the time, and so I would literally ask myself, how can I create more freedom?

I would literally be like, I’m going to go out for lunch or go to – I used to go to this – oh my gosh, what was the name of it? It was like a forest outdoor area, oh my gosh, I’m cracking up at myself right now. Anyway, I used to go there and sit outside and eat my lunch instead of just sit at my desk.

Or on a Thursday night, instead of going home and just sitting on the couch and watching TV, I would be like okay, I’m going to go to a coffee shop. The reality is if you do not change this, it does not matter what you create, how much success you create, you will keep creating the same cycle.

And to be honest, this is one of the biggest things I help women do when they work with me because by investing in themselves and by committing to this work, they’re literally saying like, I am a priority. My dreams are a priority, the life that I want to create is a priority and I’m willing to invest and put money behind it to make sure that happens.

Because here’s the other thing. This isn’t a quick fix thing. You guys have been learning how to make decisions the way you have your entire life, and your brain thinks it’s the most efficient way and the best way. But if you’re not happy with the results that you’re having in your life or the way that you’re living your life, then that needs to change.

And this isn’t just a one and done deal. You guys, I’ve been at this for three and a half, four years, and I still have to actively look at how I’m making decisions because I’ll get swooped up in that hole of like, working all day every day unless I’m actively doing this.

So I want you guys to work on that and I want you to really identify, how would you be prioritizing your time? How would you be making decisions if you were living out your dream life and how can you do that now?

Now, I’m super excited to hear y’alls feedback on this but I have an amazing opportunity that I wanted to share that kind of piggybacks off of this. So I opened up my dream mastermind. This is a mastermind for super successful high-achieving women.

So you have to be making at least $200,000 in your career or in your business, or around $18,000 a month. Now, this woman, the perfect woman for this mastermind is the woman who’s doing that but finds herself saying, “Once I hit this goal, then I’ll start living my life,” or, “Once I hit this mile marker, then I’ll do this.”

And they finally are hitting and you are hitting that point where you’re like, oh my gosh, I just keep doing the same thing. It doesn’t matter how much success I have, how much money I make, how many goals I hit, I still keep putting off living my life the way that I want.

So what I’m doing is I’m bringing together the best of the best for my community. The women who are crushing it in a really intimate setting in this mastermind to help them intentionally live and create their lives in 2020 while reaching more success. That’s the biggest thing.

Most high-achieving women think if I focus on my life, I’m going to take away from my success, and the biggest thing we’re going to work on is making sure they’re living their lives while still creating amazing success.

So if you want to be surrounded by the best of the best, amazing women who are pushing the limits of what’s possible, if you want to work with me, you get one-on-one access to me, there’s two amazing retreats. One international, one here in Malibu.

It is going to blow your mind. And by the time this podcast goes live, I will probably only have a couple spots left. So if that resonates with you, if you feel like you’ve been waiting and you are ready to intentionally create and live your life the way that you want, and you want coaching on this, you want that community, you want these retreats, please go to lindseymangocoaching.com/nextlevellife.

That is where you can apply. I’m going in order of application so make sure you do it as quick as possible. I’m sure there will only be a few spots left and I cannot wait to connect with you. I love you guys. I hope you guys have an amazing week celebrating the holidays as we get a little bit closer, and I will talk to you guys next week. Bye.

Thank you for tuning into today’s episode of Soul CEO. If you are ready to take this work deeper and you want to bring your dream business to a reality, I wanted to make sure that you knew that Mango Magic Business Academy was available to you. Head to lindseymangocoaching.com/mangomagic.

Or if you don’t have a business and you are ready to bring your dream life to a reality and know you are meant for more, my Mango Magic Life School is also available. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/mangomagiclifeschool for all the details. These programs are both life and business changing and you get access and coaching with me to walk through the modules and ask questions and get support to make your dream life or your dream business, or both a reality. I love you. I can’t wait to see you in there.

I love hearing from you!

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