
Ep #83: Fact vs Thought

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This week, we’re taking a deep dive into facts versus thoughts. Every single thought we think impacts the kind of results we get, so if you’ve been letting them run on autopilot without questioning them, now is the time to investigate. 

If you continuously find yourself stuck in a cycle where you can’t seem to create the results that you want, it’s likely because you’re believing your thoughts as facts. But here’s the thing, your brain isn’t telling you the truth. 

Join me on the podcast this week if you’re ready to create a meaningful business and live a life you truly love. Listening to everything your brain offers you is holding you back from doing this, so I’m helping you identify the difference between facts and thoughts, and offering a process you can use to intentionally choose a new perspective. 

We will be closing Anything but Average for enrollment on November 8th and it will not reopen again until next year. So if you want to become a great coach, launch your coaching business and start signing clients before 2022, now is the time to join. Either click here to sign up, or join us every Tuesday until November 8th for some Q&A sessions all about the program and becoming a coach.  

The next round of the Anything but Average Coach Mastermind opens on February 23rd for the spring of 2022 class! If you missed out on this current round, make sure to mark your calendars so you don’t miss out!

What You'll Learn on this Episode

  • My definition of facts vs thoughts and how to recognize the difference.
  • How listening to the thoughts your brain offers is keeping you stuck. 
  • Examples of thoughts you may be believing as facts when it comes to starting your coaching business.
  • A process to help you question your thoughts and intentionally choose new ones. 

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Click to Read Episode Transcript

Hey guys, before we jump into today’s episode, I have a big announcement about my program Anything But Average. Up until now you’ve been able to enroll in this program at any time. We are now closing Anything But Average for enrollment on November 8th and it will not reopen again until next year.

So if you want to become a great coach, launch your coaching business and start signing clients before 2022, now is the time to join. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/anythingbutaverage.

Now, if you are on the fence, if you have questions, if you are curious about coaching, you have questions about starting a coaching business or you have specific questions about Anything But Average, up until Anything But Average closes on November 8th I want to give you the opportunity to ask me those questions.

So we are doing an exclusive event called Coaching Q&A every Tuesday until November 8th where you can ask me these questions. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/q&a or go to the link in the show notes to join us. All right, let’s jump into today’s episode.

Welcome to the Anything But Average podcast where I will teach you how to create a coaching business one step at a time. I’m Lindsey Mango, a life coach passionate about helping you create the life of your wildest dreams by creating a coaching business. Let’s get started.

Hello, and welcome back to another week and another episode of Anything But Average. Today what I wanted to talk about is facts versus thoughts. This is actually something that I touched on, I believe that it was in episode maybe 81. I think, this is my memory. Let’s see, 81 where I talk about empty action versus potent action, I do talk about fact versus thought.

I have talked about this a little bit on my Instagram but I wanted to use an episode to really do a deep dive on fact versus thought. Because here’s the thing, there are facts and there are thoughts. And the reason why we haven’t started our coaching businesses, or we’re not creating the results we want, the clients we want is likely because we are believing thoughts as facts. And we’re not questioning them. And so we just keep producing the same results over and over and over again.

So here’s my definition of a fact versus a thought and how to recognize it so that you can start to see when you’re doing it and learn how to adjust it so you can create different outcomes in your life. So you can actually start the coaching business you want. So you can sign the clients you want. So you can create the life that you really, really want.

So a fact I like to think of as provable in the court of law. It’s something everyone can agree on. It is like you would bring it to, I was going to say a law office, I meant a courtroom and it can be proved. So I like to think of it like it’s 78 degrees in this closet right now as I’m burning up. I don’t know what the exact fact is. But it rained today, or I made X number of dollars, zero number of dollars, $10,000. I’m married, I’m not married. These are facts.

Now, thoughts are sentences in our brains, and they impact every result we create. So just for those simple examples, and I’ll use more later on, but it would be like, it sucks that it rained today. That’s a thought. It rained today is a fact, the thought is it sucks that it rained. Or I’m single, or I don’t have a significant other. That’s a fact. A thought might be being single sucks. How we know this is not everybody agrees on the fact that being single sucks. Some people love it, some people don’t.

But the reason why this is important is because every thought we have is creating the results we get. And so if you believe that your thoughts are facts, then you never question them and you never change them. And if you don’t change them, you just continue to stay stuck in the same cycle.

So you guys know I always bring it back to starting your coaching business and signing clients because that’s how you create an anything but average life. The reason why you haven’t started your coaching business or you’re not signing the clients that you want is because you’re believing your thoughts are facts.

So here’s the thing, when you believe your thoughts are facts, you’re essentially just listening to your brain. You’re just listening to the sentences in your mind and you’re just believing them. But what do we know about the human brain? This is something I say over and over again, we know that our brain doesn’t tell us the truth.

Our brain tells us what it needs to tell us to keep us safe and keep us operating efficiently. We all know that being safe and being efficient is not going to be what creates life changing results for you or your clients. These are all concepts you can use with your clients as well. They just tell us the things that are going to protect us.

So being safe and being efficient means not starting your coaching business. Do you guys know how much safer it is to your brain to not start a coaching business? It’s safer to your brain to not sign clients and have to put yourself out there and deal with failure and discomfort.

It’s more efficient if you just keep showing up at your job, doing the humdrum things that you know exactly how to do that your brain doesn’t even have to be activated to do, making the same amount of money, getting the paycheck. That’s way more efficient.

I always joke that our brain would love to just sit and watch Netflix all day. It would love that. There’s no potential risk, emotional risk or danger, life risk or danger. It’s very efficient, it doesn’t have to work very hard. But again, that’s where the magic happens. That’s not where you build an anything but average life.

You’re here to start a coaching business, you’re here to impact people’s lives, you’re here to sign clients, so that you can do something meaningful and create the freedom in life that you really want.

Now, I want to give you some examples of thoughts that you might be believing as facts when it comes to starting your coaching business. I’m going to give you a quick like couple things to question and look at with them. Like a process, essentially, so that you can start to make this change.

Some of the thoughts you might be believing are facts are, my job is more reliable. Or I can’t leave this job, I make such great money, or I don’t know enough to coach yet, or people don’t see me as an expert. I don’t have a big enough following or audience. I don’t know anything about marketing. I don’t know how to help people.

People don’t care about what I’m offering. I’ve put it out there, nobody wants what I have to offer. This hasn’t worked before, I tried other businesses. Why would this one work? Nobody reached out when I even mentioned coaching. So nobody wants this, right?

So here’s the other thing is what I’m also giving examples of, is when your brain believes these thoughts are facts, then it also looks for evidence. It’s like, “See, look, I made a post the other day,” maybe you haven’t even started your coaching business, but you’re trying to like dip your toe in a little bit. And you’re like, “I made a post about something inspirational and nobody reached out.” Your brain is like, “Look, here’s evidence.” Again, all because it just wants to keep you safe.

So the question I want you guys to think about is what thoughts are you believing are facts? What things are you telling yourself that are keeping you from going after the coaching business you really want, from putting it out there, from signing clients, from continuing to grow what you really, really want? What things do you keep telling yourself?

Now another helpful tool here is that even if your brain really does believe it as fact, like for example, maybe you believe that money is evil, money is bad. And you’ve been taught this your entire life and you have tons of evidence to prove it. The other thing you want to look at is does this serve me to believe this? Does this help me get what I want to believe this?

If the answer’s no, then you have to question it. You have to try to see it from a different perspective. Otherwise, you will continue to create no money or not a lot of money. Or even if you do, you will come up with ways to sabotage it and have to spend it on pointless things.

That’s the other piece, is if you’re really sold on this thought is true even though you know it’s not helping, you have to ask does this help me? So that you can open up your mind to the possibility that you at least want to change it.

Now here’s the process, I kind of jumped around, but here’s the process you can go through. You have to find the thoughts that you’re believing as facts that are holding you back from getting what you want. Then you have to find other thoughts. You have to question those thoughts. You have to find different perspectives, things that you actually can believe just a little bit in the possibility of, so that you can start to believe something else.

Like I might have something to offer. Or this business could work, it’s working for all these people in Lindsey’s program. Why couldn’t it work for me? Or nobody reached out, but somebody could have been interested. I don’t like and comment on every single post I see online.

You want to chip away at these thoughts that you think are facts and find different perspectives so you can start to believe something else. Because imagine when you start to think I could actually do this. Then you’ll actually go to work to start. Then you’ll actually make the investment to put yourself in Anything But Average to learn everything you need to get started and start signing clients, which is going to be what creates a different result for you.

So you have to find new thinking, new perspective. Question the thoughts that you have that you’re believing as fact. And then you have to do something different based on those new thoughts. This could be different, this time could be different. So what would I do if I believed it could be different? I’d put a post out there, I’d join the program, I’d get started. That’s how you start to differentiate between facts and thoughts. That’s how you start to change your results.

Now, this can be really challenging because our brain hides these thoughts from us. It’s why it’s told you your whole life that your thoughts are facts, because it keeps you safe and it keeps you efficient. This is why having a coach is so important because there are things your brain is thinking that you’re not even seeing that need to be questioned if you want to create different results.

This is why we have coaches, why I have coaches. Why you have a job or will have a job as a coach, because people’s brains will constantly do this and it’s your job to point that out. And this is the value and importance of being in Anything But Average.

Because if you keep believing the same thoughts, if you keep believing them as fact, if you don’t even know which thoughts are creating your results and you’re not questioning them and you’re not changing them, you will stay exactly where you are. The cost of that is everything. The cost of that is the life you want. The cost of that is signing clients and making money. The cost of that is hundreds of thousands of dollars.

For $2,000 you can join the program, have lifetime access to weekly live coaching with me in the group, be able to ask questions in the community at any time. Show me what results you’re getting and get coaching on it so I can point out what thoughts you’re believing as facts, question them, create new ones. And that’s also the other piece, is I’m on the outside and like, “Well what about this? What about this possibility? What about this thought?” Because you have to believe the new thoughts in order for them to work.

Guys, if you want to change your life, if you want to wake up in a year with a different life, if you want to wake up in six months with a different life, you have to question your thinking. You have to question the thoughts that you believe are facts. If you continue to stay here, if you don’t get the help you need in order to see this and make these shifts, you will not change your results. And having a coach and having a process is going to be what exponentially changes these outcomes. I love you guys. I will talk to you next week. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/anythingbutaverage and I will see you on the inside. Bye.

If you’re ready to take this work deeper and create your own coaching business, join us in Anything But Average where I will walk you through the step by step process to become a coach, start your coaching business, and start signing clients. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/anythingbutaverage and I will see you on the inside.

I love hearing from you!

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