
[SCEO] 90: The Power of Your Perspective

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After taking a month off for our wedding and honeymoon, I’m going to be honest with you guys, I’ve been struggling to get back into the groove of my business. You might think I don’t have bad days or feel funky, but I have been deep in it lately, and I’m sharing a moment of realization I had about this with you today.

I caught myself in a moment of feeling overwhelmed and the key here was awareness, so that I could shift my thoughts and realize how I would have done anything to be where I am today a few years ago. I want to remind you guys that your perspective is your superpower and you can change your reality simply by choosing different thoughts.

Join me this week to discover why your perspective is so important in creating a life you love. I want to offer you guys the opportunity to look at it and change it if something isn’t working for you, to know that the choice is always up to you. 

I have a program called The Coach Business Academy, which focuses on helping service-based, heart-centered coaches and business owners attract and sign clients in their businesses. This is a program that is going to help you challenge beliefs that aren’t serving you and change them to bring your business to the next level. You also get lifetime access and lifetime support, so what are you waiting for? See you there!

What You'll Learn on this Episode

  • A miracle moment of realization I had recently.
  • Why taking ownership of your perspective is literally everything.
  • One powerful question you can ask yourself to shift your perspective to one that serves you.

Featured on the Show

  • If you are ready to take this work deeper and make your dream business a reality,  join my Mango Magic Business Academy.
  • Or if you don’t have a business and you are ready to bring your dream life to reality and know you are meant for more, my Mango Magic Life School is also available.
  • Join me on Instagram and tag me in all your Soul CEO aha! moments!
  • Don’t forget to grab your free training of my High-Vibe Formula (how I created a multiple six-figure business, attracted the man of my dreams, and created a life with complete time freedom…in less than 18 months)!

Click to Read Episode Transcript

Hi girl, welcome to Soul CEO; a podcast for women who know they’re destined for more. I’m Lindsey Mango and I’m going to show you that you can have it all and teach you how to get it by becoming the CEO of your soul, life, and business. Let’s get started.

Hello, how are you guys? And welcome back to another week and another episode. I am loving the fact that you guys are tagging me on social media, on Instagram specifically. Make sure if you’re listening to this to take a screenshot, tag me on Instagram. My handle is @lindseymango_.

And it’s been so fun because so many of you guys have been tagging me lately and you’re like, binge-listening to all the episodes and you’re thinking, “Oh my gosh, when I get up to date, I’m going to have to wait every week,” which I think is amazing. I think anticipation is one of the best parts.

And I like to drop little nuggets on my Instagram anyway, so stay tuned there while you’re waiting for the podcast to go live. I’m so excited to be here with you guys today and share some nugget of wisdom with you and share some magic with you because the thing I’m going to talk about today is something that I had a realization about this week.

And oftentimes, stuff that I teach you is stuff that’s going on in my life and that I’m transforming in, or stuff that my clients are transforming in, but this specifically was really something that shifted my perspective this week. So let’s jump into it.

This week, I have to say, since getting back from our honeymoon and wedding, it feels like I was off for a month basically. And it was definitely an adjustment coming back. I didn’t feel like myself and I haven’t been. I’ve just been feeling kind of funky, and for some reason, this time of year I tend to get in a weird mood.

So anyway, it was just a whole thing and I’ve finally been moving through that and I think it’s important to share because I think sometimes we see people like me and think, “They don’t have bad days or bad weeks or feel funky.” I’ll tell you guys, I was feeling really – it’s crazy. I’m married, I’m happy, I’m not alone, but I was feeling really alone and sad and I don’t even know.

I have heard from a lot of people that after weddings that they feel like that, and I have to be honest, I’m sad the wedding’s over but I have my business so it wasn’t like, a thing like that. But I don’t know, it’s just been an adjustment.

So in the midst of that happening, I’ve been just trying to get back into the groove of working and I’ve got a lot of things going down in the most amazing way, but they’ve caused me to be a little bit overwhelmed. And last week, I was getting to the end of my day and realized I had a few more things to do.

One of the things being a Pinterest board for a vision on a photography session that’s about to go down this week, which by the time you hear this, it would be last week, but anyway. And I remember I was on a call and I was finishing up and I was like, ugh. In my head, this is my inner monologue, and this is the power of awareness, right?

It was like, “Oh my gosh, I’ve got so much to do and I still got to do this silly Pinterest board. I just wish I was done.” This is the inner monologue that’s going on. And I was aware of it obviously, and when I was thinking about it, it felt really real. I was like, yeah, you guys know how it is when you’ve got lots of stuff to do and you’re kind of overwhelmed and you’re just like, want to be done with your to-do list that day or whatever.

That’s how I was feeling about it. And then five minutes later, I had a miracle moment. And the miracle moment was realizing that I just was complaining about making a vision of my – a Pinterest board of my vision for a photo shoot to shoot these beautiful – me and these cute outfits that I’ve picked out.

And literally bring my vision from the next evolution of my brand and my business to life. And I was complaining about it. And I just had this moment where I was like, okay, it’s the middle of the day on a Thursday or whatever, and I get to do a Pinterest board of my vision for my brand, for my really successful business, helping people change their lives, in this life that I’ve literally hand curated and created.

I would have given anything three years ago for that to be on my to-do list. I remember thinking what it would be like when I was like – when you played house when you were a kid. I was like, what would it be like when I’m playing CEO and boss when I first started my business.

And I remember dreaming of the days that I would spend doing stuff like that. Bringing a vision to life, hiring a photographer, wearing all these amazing clothes that I love and that is my life right now. And that was a moment that I almost let slip away from me because I was so caught up in overwhelmed and all the things that I had to do.

So I tell you guys this story because this is the power of our perspective. Our perspective is literally everything. It is the vantage point that we see whatever is happening in our lives. I literally think – I was just coaching a client on this today that your perspective is either having rose-colored glasses on and seeing the world through that lens, or having dark black unhappy glasses on and seeing the world through that.

And all of it is going to dictate your experience of life and every single thing that happens. It’s going to dictate what happens when shit hits the fan. It’s going to dictate what happens when amazing things happen. And so I think it’s so important, all of this work essentially is about shifting our perspective in a way that really serves us to create and live and take the action, live the life that we want to live and take the actions that we want to take.

And so I just want to offer you guys the opportunity to take ownership over your perspective and look at something in your life right now that you’re kind of complaining about or unhappy about or whatever it is, or dreading, it doesn’t matter.

And ask yourself, what perspective could I take on this that would make me feel excited? Or what perspective shifts could I take that would change the way I’m experiencing this? And really challenge yourself to change the perspective that you have.

You could do it with everything. You could do it with – maybe you’re eating dinner out and you don’t like the meal. Maybe the perspective shift is, “Well, we realize we don’t like this place,” or maybe it’s, “Oh my gosh, I’m so grateful that I have food, that I get to come to restaurants and not make it a big deal.”

Use your perspective as your greatest weapon. Change your perspective to serve you, to help you experience life the way that you want. And if you can do that, you have the power to literally create the life that you’re experiencing.

Your life could be completely different right now, like the current life, the current circumstances you have, if you had a different perspective on them. You could be thinking that this is your worst month ever in business and instead, you could change your perspective and be like, “I might be two steps away from striking gold and I’ve been laying the foundation this whole time.”

So if you want to change your reality, change your perspective. If you want to change how you’re feeling about something, change your perspective. Your perspective is your superpower. Got it? Good. Alright, I love you guys, I would love to hear your feedback on this episode and I will talk to you next week. Bye.

Thank you for tuning into today’s episode of Soul CEO. If you are ready to take this work deeper and you want to bring your dream business or a reality, I wanted to make sure that you knew that Mango Magic Business Academy was available to you. Head to lindseymangocoaching.com/mangomagic.

Or if you don’t have a business and you are ready to bring your dream life to a reality and know you are meant for more, my Mango Magic Life School is also available. Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/mangomagiclifeschool for all the details. These programs are both life and business changing and you get access and coaching with me to walk through the modules and ask questions and get support to make your dream life or your dream business, or both a reality. I love you. I can’t wait to see you in there.

I love hearing from you!

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