
Ep #106: Make Your Own Transformation First with Laura Hinton

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I’ve got a special guest host on the podcast this week. My client Laura Hinton is a weight loss and mindset coach, and she’s here to share her thoughts and experience on why making your own transformation first allows you to have so much more belief and certainty in what you’re selling. 

The Model from The Life Coach School teaches us that we can effectively coach anyone on anything. We don’t have to have shared the same problems or worked through the same things as our clients to help them. However, having experienced your own transformation first makes it so much easier to be connected to your clients’ challenges.

Listen in this week as Laura invites you to use coaching tools to create real results for yourself first. She’s letting us into her own journey of personal transformation, what she observed as she started doing this work, and how making your own transformation first ultimately leads to an irresistible offer for your ideal clients. 

The doors to Anything but Average are now officially open! If you’re ready to take this work deeper and start your coaching business, click here to join us. And if you want to get your hands on a special bonus workbook, enroll by April 8th!

The Anything but Average Coach Mastermind is now closed for enrolment. If you want to be in the fall class, make sure to mark your calendars for August 31st.

What You'll Learn on this Episode

  • Laura’s background and the personal transformation she experienced. 
  • Why making your own transformation first is the key to having belief and certainty about your offer. 
  • 3 things Laura observed when she became a coach who coaches on her own transformation.
  • Laura’s recommendations if you’re noticing a lot of resistance to your current niche or offer. 

Featured on the Show


Click to Read Episode Transcript

Before we jump into today’s episode, Anything but Average is now open for enrollment. It’s April 6th in case you’re listening to this episode in the future.  Anything but Average is my program that teaches you first how to become a great coach by changing your own life. When you change your life, you become your own testimonial. You become your own walking billboard. You attract clients and people to you just because you are showing them what’s possible with the results you’ve created in your life.

It helps you build belief in what you have to offer so you feel authentic going out and sharing your work with the world, and it helps you master your skills as a coach, not just on a cognitive level, meaning the knowledge you have in your brain and understanding the tools, but also in execution because you’ve used them in your own life, and you understand what’s going to show up for your clients because you’ve worked through it yourself.

Then we take that, we launch your business by getting clear on what type of coach you are, what your offer is going to be, who your ideal client is going to be, what your mission statement is going to be, meaning, what do you tell people when you tell them you’re a coach, and who do you help?  We launch your business, and then I teach you exactly how to sign clients, because the best way to create your Anything but Average life and to help people change their lives is to sign clients.

When you enroll in Anything but Average for the next 72 hours by April 8th at 11:59 p.m., you will get the 72‑hour fast action bonus, a physical workbook called the Become a Better Coach Workbook and Guide.  Whether you’re a coach already or you’re going to join the program to become a coach and refine your skills, this workbook is going to walk you through everything that you need to become a better coach.

First, we break down exactly the process that you will be using to coach your clients. So, getting clear on how you will actually help your clients get results. One of the biggest places I see coaches get stuck is they know how they’ve gotten results, but they aren’t clear on how they’re going to help their clients do this.

The first part of this workbook is going to walk you through identifying your process so when someone asks, well, how am I going to get results? You are clear on how you will help them bridge that gap and create the result that they want.

Next, there is a template and guide on how to run great coaching calls.  Exactly what to do at the beginning, in the middle, at the end, and what to do throughout the entire process so that your clients get great results, and you can feel confident showing up for your coaching calls and know exactly how to run them. Then there is an entire troubleshooting guide on what to do when clients bring tough things to coaching calls, or when you get stuck as the coach.

So some of the examples are: How to handle it when a client says, “I don’t know what I need coaching on,” or they get stuck when you ask a question and they don’t know the answer to it. What to do when your client is resistant to your coaching, or fighting, or becoming defensive? Or when they’re resistant to applying the coaching you’re giving them. What to do when you notice your client isn’t taking action. What to do when they get stuck. What to do when they’re getting results, even, and they don’t feel like they’re bringing problems, and you’re not sure what to coach them on.

So, all the telltale places that you get stuck, or you fear you will get stuck in your coaching, this troubleshooting guide will show you and teach you exactly what to do and how to handle it so you can be a better coach and help your clients get results.

The last section is a precoaching call prep worksheet that you can use over and over and over again to prepare your brain so you can feel confident going into your coaching calls. One of the best things you can do is show up in total service of your client on the call. But when you’re stuck in your brain and your fear and your doubt and your whatever, drama, it’s hard to show up and coach your clients at the level you could be. This worksheet is going to help you ease your mind so that you can show up in total service of your client. So again, when you enroll in Anything but Average by April 8th at 11:59 p.m., you will get a copy of this workbook mailed to your house.

Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/anythingbutaverage to join us. Let’s jump into today’s episode.

Welcome to the Anything but Average podcast, where I will teach you how to create a coaching business one step at a time. I’m Lindsey Mango, a life coach passionate about helping you create the life of your wildest dreams by creating a coaching business. Let’s get started.

Hello and welcome back to another week and another episode of Anything but Average. Over the next 6 podcast episodes, you are going to be hearing from 6 different mastermind students who are going to teach you their favorite concept that they have learned in our work together. These mastermind students have created $40,000 dollar businesses, $100,000 dollar businesses, doing work that they love while creating a life they really want.

I specifically chose these 6 mastermind students because they started in Anything but Average, or my old variation of the program which is called Mango Magic, where they got started in their coaching business, signed their first few clients and have risen up from that level to the mastermind level where they are really creating the fulltime coaching business, hundred K business that they set out to create from the beginning. I wanted their unique perspective because they started at the ground up in our work together and I wanted them to teach you a concept that helped them at that point in their business.

So without further ado, I’d like to introduce my mastermind students to you and their individual podcast episode and their favorite concepts that we worked on together.

Laura: Hello and welcome back to another week and another episode of Anything but Average. In true Lindsey fashion: Guys, how are you?  I am so excited to be here today. I am Laura, a weight loss and mindset coach, and I am your guest host for today’s episode. Today I’m going to share my thoughts and experience on why making the transformation for yourself first allows you to have so much belief and certainty in what you are selling.  If you have been stuck in some niche drama, or you’ve been struggling to really feel connected and excited about your offer, this episode is for you.

So, when you enroll in Anything but Average, you get access to Lindsey’s process of how to start your coaching business and sign your first clients.  After the pre‑work section, change your life is the first main process that Lindsey takes you through. Now, in my opinion ‑‑ and I am going to explain why with my own story here in a minute ‑‑ this is genius and such an important place to start. Maybe you are certified, like me, maybe you aren’t. It honestly does not matter. And what the Life Coach School teaches is that with the Model, you can effectively coach anyone on anything. And I do agree with that.

I really don’t think you have to have shared the exact same problems or worked through the exact same things as your clients in order to help them.  However, in my experience, in my opinion, and obviously in Lindsey’s as well, it makes it ten times easier to have so much more belief and certainty about your niche or your offer, what you are selling, when you are selling something you’ve had the personal experience of changing for yourself.

Now, here’s how I know this. Here’s my story. There are a few background things you need to know. I grew up doing a late level competitive dance, and I transitioned into teaching and choreographing as a job while going to college. I was studying to get my degree in interior design, and I got a fantastic dream job working for a firm that specialized in high‑end hotels, resorts, restaurants, spas, and it was wonderful. Until the big economic collapse of 2008. And I ended up eventually getting laid off in 2009 but had still been teaching dance on the side just to make some extra money, and because I enjoyed it. So, I decided at that time that it was really time to go all in and open up my own studio, which I did and ran until I sold it in 2017.

Now, in 2018, was when I was introduced to mindset work and life coaching for the purpose of losing weight. I was so blown away by the Model and the results I was creating and how I was turning around so many things in my life, that I knew I wanted to be a coach. It really felt like the perfect new career for me.

Now, the first real business coach that I came across leaned a little bit more into the world of course creation, and it was her advice to coach or teach people about what you are an expert in. It was, like, take what you know, that comes easy to you, that you have a lot of experience in and that others are always asking you to help them with, and turn that into a course.  I was basically an expert in two things: Dance, which I had just basically retired from and had no interest in any longer, and design. So, obvious choice, design it was.

I loved the Model and the thought work aspect, so I wanted to use that process to help clients purge, declutter, organize, design, and enhance their spaces for better living. And I felt really confident in doing this. It’s what my education was in, my professional experience for many years, and I felt like I had expertise to stand behind.

It wasn’t long after that that I came across Lindsey and her group program.  This was, like, February or March of 2019, and at the time, Lindsey actually had two groups:  Mango Magic Business Academy, which is essentially now ABA, and Mango Magic Life School.  So, with Lindsey I was continuing to make personal progress on my life and weight and was working on this idea of interior design coaching on the business side. I had laid out a whole program, I signed a six‑month client who was referred to me from a friend.  I had been coaching her through this program I created, and she was getting results.

However, I kept noticing so much resistance whenever it came time to create content. I didn’t feel like I wanted to be writing blogs about how to style a bookshelf. I didn’t want to write a post about the confusion of picking paint colors. I wasn’t excited to be helping people in this way. Was I capable of doing this coaching? 100 percent. Was I thoroughly passionate about it? Definitely not. So, I felt really stuck, really confused. I had been doing everything that was recommended to me from that original course creator coach, go with what you know, but this niche just wasn’t working for me. I wasn’t signing any new clients after that initial referral, and every time I needed to sit down and create content of any type, I just resisted and avoided.

So, thank God, I was now working with Lindsey and had realized that course creation was not really the avenue I wanted to go down, but really wanted to be a coach, and she helped me see what I wasn’t able to see at the time. One day while coaching, she said, Laura, why aren’t you coaching people on losing weight? I think I probably laughed out loud at the obvious absurdity of that suggestion.

At the time, I was at the tail end of my journey losing about 55 pounds, and my immediate response was, like, but I’m not an expert on that. I was still so fresh in creating that result for myself, who am I to coach others on this?  This isn’t what I went to school for, it isn’t what I had any professional experience in. I didn’t think it was even a possibility or that it was an available option for me until Lindsey suggested it. She literally blew my mind with that question.

So, I dove in and really started evaluating the idea, and it all started making sense. Of course I was struggling to sell interior design coaching; it was not where I had made any personal transformation. This wasn’t the result I created for myself through mindset work or where I had created value for myself or for my own life, so of course it was difficult for me to convey the value of it to other people. Over the next few months, I thought a lot about this, and got a lot of coaching on it.  And once I could see that my own personal transformation was more than enough to “qualify” me to help others do the same, it gave me the permission to switch niches, so to speak.

And, behind the scenes, I really started thinking about my own weight loss transformation and started creating the structure of what I would want to teach others to help them create the same result. In October of 2019, I launched my weight loss through mindset signature coaching program and have not looked back since. And I helped so many people with this program. Could I have done the mindset work to get on board with the design niche? Absolutely. Of course. As Stacey Boehman, who is Lindsey’s mentor, says, there is no right offer, only the offer you make right, and I couldn’t agree more. And I think the same goes for niches. But here are the three things I observed with becoming a coach who coaches on her own most powerful transformation.

Number one: It is so much easier to speak to the pain points of your ideal client when you have lived through the struggle yourself. When I was trying to write content for the interior design coaching, it was much more difficult to put myself in the shoes of my ideal clients because I never personally struggled in that way. These were all skills that came pretty naturally to me, so I really had to use my imagination to come up with what was going to be in the heads of my potential clients.

Now, creating content about weight loss is so much easier and faster because I can just speak directly to my past self. I have been there. I have lived it. I know the pain surrounding it. I know all the typical roadblocks that come up, and I have navigated them personally to get to the other side, and that’s exactly what my clients want and need from me as their coach.

Number two: Now this doesn’t happen with every client, but I have heard many, many times that hearing my own struggles with my weight and how I overcame that with the mindset work after trying and failing so many times with all the traditional diet and workout combos we’re taught, is exactly what makes me relatable to my clients. They create a sense of safety for themselves when they believe, if Laura can do it, so can I. There’s a sense of trust established when they can see me and the results I’ve created for myself through this work and knowing that I’m about to pass it all on to them.

And number three: I can speak so confidently about my coaching and my program on a sales call because I have such deep belief in it. I know the process that worked for me, and I know mindset work is the pathway to simple and permanent weight loss. I believe it fully because I know exactly how it changed my own life. I am the example of what’s possible, and I am a living product of my own product. I have a very high close rate on my consult calls because I come from this thinking when speaking to the potential new client.

So, here are my recommendations if you are currently noticing a lot of resistance to your current niche or offer. I want you to ask whether you are coaching on the thing you had your own massive transformation in, and if not, ask why?  If your reasons for your current niche or offer is rooted in anything like mine was, thinking this over here is what I’m professionally trained or experienced in, and my own transformation over here isn’t enough, I really want you to question that.

And if you know you want to be a coach, but you haven’t created any real results for yourself through the processes and skills of coaching or mindset work, start there. What transformation have you been waiting to make the most? How can you put everything that Lindsey teaches to work in creating those results for yourself? How would making that big of an impact on your own life make it so easy to go out into the world and talk about how you can help others create the same or similar results for themselves?

When you’ve made the transformation for yourself first, it allows you to have all the belief and all of the certainty in what you are selling, which ultimately creates the result of an irresistible offer in your own brain, which then translates to an irresistible offer to your ideal clients.

I want to thank Lindsey for allowing me to be a guest host on the Anything but Average podcast today. If you want to connect, you can find me on Instagram at @laurahintoncoaching. Listen. Your transformation is enough.  Go out there and make it so you can start easily helping others do the same. Cheers, friend. Thanks for listening.

If you’re ready to take this work deeper and create your own coaching business, join us in Anything but Average where I will walk you through the step‑by‑step process to become a coach, start your coaching business, and start signing clients.

Go to lindseymangocoaching.com/anythingbutaverage, and I will see you on the inside.

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