[SCEO] 56: How to Start a Business

[SCEO] 56: How to Start a Business

I’ve reached out to you guys on Instagram to ask what you would like to hear me talk about on the podcast, and I think this week’s topic is going to resonate with and be helpful to a lot of you. Starting a business is something I know many of you feel like you are...
[SCEO] 57: If There Is NEVER Enough Time

[SCEO] 57: If There Is NEVER Enough Time

Since building my business, I have truly learned how to be efficient and productive whilst maximizing my time. I know many of you have 10 times more on your plate with kids, a career, and trying to build a business all at the same time, and I’ve had many questions...
[SCEO] 58: When You Have Setbacks

[SCEO] 58: When You Have Setbacks

I remember a time when I struggled with my mentality around my physical fitness – “I’ll start over on Monday,” was a common phrase in my life. One bad decision or one mistake and everything was out the window and old behaviors were back in action. Today, I’m...
[SCEO] 60: When Something Feels Bad

[SCEO] 60: When Something Feels Bad

Do you notice when you’re having a negative reaction to a circumstance? It could be your significant other wording a question in a way you didn’t like, your business launch failing, or someone saying, “We need to talk,” – and we all know those conversations...