Ep #36: Where Anything but Average is Headed

Ep #36: Where Anything but Average is Headed

2021 is just around the corner and if you’ve been following me through the podcast and social media for a while now, you might have noticed a shift in the kind of content that I’m sharing. And I can’t wait to explain to you all what’s going on over here at Anything...
Ep #34: Arrogance Vs. Confidence

Ep #34: Arrogance Vs. Confidence

One thing that so many of my clients have in common when they come to me is they have difficulty sharing their achievements with others. And it makes sense because, especially as women, we get fed so many messages about staying humble and not being arrogant. But I...
Ep #33: Creating Cause & Effect

Ep #33: Creating Cause & Effect

A recurring topic I talk about often here on the podcast is changing your life and creating new results, and to do that, we have to understand how to create our own cause and effect. This is what Joe Dispenza discusses in his book, Breaking the Habit of Being...