Ep #21: The 5 Biggest Mistakes Coaches Make

Ep #21: The 5 Biggest Mistakes Coaches Make

We’re pivoting slightly from our usual content this week, and today, I’m diving into the five biggest mistakes I see coaches making that stop them from creating the impact they want to have and help their clients. If you are a coach, you are going to get so much value...
Ep #20: ALL IN Learning

Ep #20: ALL IN Learning

We’re diving into a concept today called all in learning. I’ve learned a lot about success and failure from others and through my own journey, and I attribute my growth to my ability to learn from all the failures that I’ve experienced. Too many people try to avoid...
Ep #19: Believing vs. Not Believing

Ep #19: Believing vs. Not Believing

Many of my clients come to me, wanting me to just tell them what to do or what strategy to implement to hit their goals. But the question I have to drill down into first is whether they’re in belief. Belief is the foundation of hitting any goal, and without it, any...
Ep #18: Making Decisions

Ep #18: Making Decisions

How often do you find yourselves being stuck in indecision, or have some big things that you’ve been putting off deciding on? Whatever it is you want for your dream life or business is available to you, and my goal today is to show you that it’s only a few decisions...